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  Friday, 28 June 2013
  3 Replies
  6.6K Visits
With the popularity of hiring a motorhome these days we thought we would create an area for discussion for those members who have done this or are considering doing so. How was your experience? Was it a one-off or a tentative entry to the world of motorhoming? Your feedback could be very useful to those who are thinking about giving it a try.

Motorhome hire companies are welcome to join in with any discussions BUT, and it is a big but, this is not an opportunity to promote their own business. Anyone posting on the Club Motorhome Forums agrees to our relevant terms and conditions when registering - specifically the following extract:

'You agree not to 'spam' on the forums. This means that you will not provide links to your own website unless it is part of a reply to a genuine, related, query placed by another member. Topic titles may not contain links of any kind. It also means that you may not include links to unsuitable websites ie. pornography, counterfeit goods etc. and you may not include links to rival motorhome forums, websites and stopover organisations.

Traders - by that term we mean anyone who is professionally connected to the motorhome industry Dealers, Hire Companies, Suppliers of products or services etc. etc.

It is not acceptable to post adverts for your business activity on these forums. We welcome your input as a member of this motorhome community but please stay on the right side of the thin line between constructive, helpful posts and blatant advertising (SPAM). Further to this it is no longer allowed to register a username that is your email address or the same as your business name and your avatar may NOT be your logo. You may however include a link to your business in your profile but NOT in your forum signature unless you currently support Club Motorhome by way of advertising with us.

We try to keep the Club Motorhome website and forums as free as possible of rules but from time to time individuals actions on the website necessitate new rules being included. We reserve the right to modify and amend these terms at any time without notice so please check them regularly.'

We are introducing some special rates on our trade advertising for motorhome hirers. If you agree to give a pre-agreed discount to Club Motorhome members we will double that percentage discount from our rates for forum banner advertising ie. give 10% and we'll knock 20% off our rates etc. Advertising rates are available on request

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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8 years ago
Before we bought we hired from a firm known as Unbeatable Hire to test the idea of a MH before buying.
Many of their internet reviews complained about hidden charges making it much more expensive than the original quote. This was true particularly if you went over the agreed mileage or returned it filthy or with reduced fuel or the loo full etc or damaged. All of this was stated in the PDF Echo docs we received via email.
Needless to say we did none of the above & encountered no problems other than it was 28 days before we got our insurance deposit back but again that's clearly stated in the T's & C's

Thankfully we no longer rely on hire companies as since then we 1st bought a 1998 Hymer Camp and now we have a 6 berth 2013 Rimor Kat 12+ Automatic
8 years ago
Just wondering if anyone can give me some tips on renting a motorhome in Europe, I am considering renting from McRent but I am not sure how good they are, are there any other Motorhome rental companies in Europe? Germany in particular...
8 years ago
Hello wazwaz50

Having recently hired a motorhome in Canada my recommendation would be to research, research, research then compare compare, compare!

There is so many companies permutations and conditions. I would suggest get all the details down on a spread sheet, this will give you a 'picture' that will make it so much easier to decide.

Read all the T&Cs thoroughly as there are a lot of hidden costs.

A place to start, but not necessarily finish, is the website Motorhome Republic, they are brokers and good for comparing.

There are plenty of bad reviews about motorhoming hire companies, including the one we used. However, apart from a couple of minor issue we had no problem and would use them again.



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