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  Saturday, 02 February 2013
  6 Replies
  4.5K Visits
Caromac is going to walk 100kms of the Camino Portuges this Spring and I'll be shadowing her in the motorhome and we expect to take about 10 days, although this is pretty flexible depending on daily progress. We've got the Camino Portuges guidebook which is fine for the route and hostels etc but our plan is incorporate the use of the motorhome for her nightly accommodation.

She's going to be starting at Tui so we're fine for overnight parking at the Aire there and for several of the following days there are Aires/stopovers conveniently situated at Mos, Arcade, Pontevedra, Milladoiro, and Santiago de Compostela.

However, there is quite a gap between Pontevedra and Milladoiro (just before the finish at Santiago) so I wondered if anyone knows of any stopover locations between the 2 and not too far from the route itself? Or anywhere else along the rest of the route to give us some other alternatives.

Has anyone else on here walked any parts of the various Camino de Santiago routes?

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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8 years ago
We did stop overnight at Vila Nova de Cerveira some years ago. This was by the Aqua centre where there was a lot of parking.

This may be off your route though.
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