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There has been a superb response lately to requests for new stopovers to add to our directories so I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all those that have sent details in to us :thumbs: .
Obviously stopover information can become dated after a while once published, so we have 2 methods for members to help keep this important information as up-to-date as possible:
This is a screenshot of a typical stopover...
1. If you have a lot of information and/or photographs to add to the listing please use the 'Update Form'. This helps the information to be in the format that we display on the website.
2. If you just have some updated info such as, tariff change, closure, broken services etc then please just add your comment in the box after clicking the 'Add comment' link.
If you are new to mtorhoming or a seasoned traveller and have visited some of the stopovers we list, please do take a few moments to click through them and update us with your findings
All information received is manually applied to the listings at this end and may be done straightaway if I happen to be working on the website or there may be a delay if I am off Aires hunting myself somewhere.
But your submissions will always be acknowledged and added as soon as possible.
Thanks again to everyone for your help :cheer: .
Obviously stopover information can become dated after a while once published, so we have 2 methods for members to help keep this important information as up-to-date as possible:
This is a screenshot of a typical stopover...
1. If you have a lot of information and/or photographs to add to the listing please use the 'Update Form'. This helps the information to be in the format that we display on the website.
2. If you just have some updated info such as, tariff change, closure, broken services etc then please just add your comment in the box after clicking the 'Add comment' link.
If you are new to mtorhoming or a seasoned traveller and have visited some of the stopovers we list, please do take a few moments to click through them and update us with your findings

All information received is manually applied to the listings at this end and may be done straightaway if I happen to be working on the website or there may be a delay if I am off Aires hunting myself somewhere.
But your submissions will always be acknowledged and added as soon as possible.
Thanks again to everyone for your help :cheer: .
If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!
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