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  Wednesday, 10 October 2012
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  3.5K Visits
If you would like to add a photograph, an 'avatar', to personalise your profile on Club Motorhome the process is very easy :)

The uploading software that we use will automatically resize the image to fit BUT if the filesize of it is too big the upload won't happen. This is easy to fix and should be your first step if your chosen image is greater than 200kb. If you don't have a suitable program on your own computer there are numerous free online methods - I just Googled 'how to resize photo file size' and came up with the following link

Once you have an image in mind just follow these steps:

From the main menu go to 'Members' then 'Profile Details'.

Once in your profile hover your mouse over 'Edit' then click on 'Update your image'

Click on the 'Choose File' button or, if you don't have an image of your own to use just select one of the provided ones and click on 'Confirm Choice'.

* There is a reminder of the maximum filesize for your own image.

Choose your image from your computer and double click it. You will then see the file title appear next to the 'Upload' button.

Click the 'Upload' button. The next screen you see will have a small message near the top telling you the upload was successful :thumbs: and that's it!

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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