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  Tuesday, 09 October 2012
  9 Replies
  6.4K Visits
As fifty somethings caromac and I have been following this process for 5 weeks now and it seems quite a manageable lifestyle change :) .

We were inspired by watching the BBC Horizon TV programme called 'Eat, Fast and Live Longer'. The presenter, who is also a doctor, researched and underwent various fasting processes having been told medically how without change he was likely to be heading for all the usual ageing ailments ranging from heart disease, Alzheimers, cancer etc.

Also as a fifty something himself he was putting on weight (pretty normal stuff).

The upshot was that by following the 5:2 thing he lost some weight and from medical tests improved his outlook for a healthy older age by quite a margin.

So we are just 5 weeks into this and we have chosen to do the 2 fasting days consecutively (Tuesday and Wednesday as these don't seem to interfere with any normal socialising) and the fasting is achieved by just having one meal each day of no more than 600 calories (500 for caromac). We have found it best to have this meal in the evening rather than earlier then having to go to bed hungry.

Its a good diet (not really sure what to call it because its not just a diet) because its ongoing and there are no special purchases required to do it - handy when we are motorhoming and as we are doing it together it seems less disruptive too.

Results so far? Well we've both lost a few pounds and I can tighten my belt by 1 or even 2 notches already - not very scientific but its obviously doing something :thumbs:

I would recommend anyone to watch the program for themselves and I found a video of it on YouTube:

[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]Pfna7nV7WaM[/video]

Anyone else tried it?

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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8 years ago
If anybody wants more info, Dr. Michael Moseley (the Doc who presents the programme) has written a book about it. (Beware of copycats). It's called "the fast diet".

The ISBN is 9 781780 721675 for the paperback, for Kindle version see;qid=1364316530&sr=8-1

"If it isn't hurting it isn't working" :evil:
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