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  Wednesday, 05 October 2022
  4 Replies
  13K Visits
Hi all,
Has anyone experienced this engine warning light?
Adblue tank full before recent trip. About 400 miles (in France) into a trip to Italy the warning light came on, stopped and added less than 1 LTR adblue - tank full. Light stayed on. Drove on for another 100 miles, to a campsite, with light on, advised by a friend who is a mechanic that as it was a yellow warning it would be OK. UK Breakdown people tried to get local Peugeot dealer to look at it the next morning - the main dealer in Mulhouse would even take a look - too busy. Went to a couple of other garages and whilst no-one would look at it (one proposed appt for diagnostic check in 3 weeks ?) I did get advice that it was OK to continue the journey.
When in Switzerland (Locarno) the UK breakdown people arranged for a diagnostic check - they found no faults and "reset" the warning light. Came back on again after 10 miles. The warning light did go off and back on again several times throughout the rest of the trip.
Could be coincidence but on several occasions the light went out but came on again after varying mileage:
- after doing about 50 miles at a higher speed than normal - 70-75 mph (on an auto-strada)
- after switching to "super diesel"
Summary - did 2791 miles in total - warning light was on for 1236 of those miles, engine ran very nicely and averaged 32 mpg. At no time did I get the warnings about going into limp mode or shutdown, and got no "top-up Adblue warning.
Back in the UK now - warning light is still on since it came back on just south of Paris.....
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