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  Sunday, 30 August 2020
  1 Replies
  4.2K Visits
Hi. I have just bought a 2004 Ace Milano but I am perplexed by how the dinnette makes a double bed. I knew that the sides of the seats slide out & then you use the back of the bench seat as it has a piece of wood at the back of the cushion. It is then a different height to the rest of the cushions. Then it leaves only a small gap between it & the single bed & also the ladder to the over cab bed is blocked. As I am disabled I can't use the over cab bed but my daughter needs to use it!
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4 years ago
Yes the double dinette bed with the sofa opposite often blocks the walkway and ladder space when made up.
What we did was cut a piece of plywood to go in where the table should go (because our table would only fit with the bed extended out)
Then made the bed up without pulling the sides of the seats out, yes the bed is narrower but we have never had a problem.

Also turning out cushions over made them flatter but as I say we left the one with the plywood behind it out.


Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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