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I just sent out this as a newsletter but if you're not on that mailing list then this is what it says....
With thoughts turning towards spring I would normally be sending out my, now slightly overdue, newsletter full of encouragement and ideas of what adventures we can have this years in our motorhomes.
Regretably with no totally positive news as to when our so dearly loved freedom will be returned to us, this will sadly be the furthest thing in our minds when it should be far flung places. Remember though that 'far' is objective in terms of distance, but what our vans give is I am sure we will agree is the ability to step away from the madding crowd and give us a feeling of being so far away from our regular lives. Some of you I'm sure will be camping on your driveways and gardens to give yourself that feeling!
So with an abundance of time on our hands how about a bit of creativity?
Members of Club Motorhome are invited to share photos and stories to keep us focused on our wonderful travels. The only thing we would like is for it to be in context with the very thing that is now keeping us at home - Covid 19. There I said it!
Perhaps you had to take flight from where your winter travels had taken you? Did someone show extreme kindness along your way? Did you snap some surreal pics of the effects of this new and terrible aspect of our lives? Will the end of the restriction change your travelling habits? We would like you to tell us your story.
Most 'likes' get a prize!
You can tell your tale in various ways on the site...
On the timeline - just a quick way to tell us your story and you can include some photos to your post if you'd like to.
On the forums - Like the timeline just create a new post with your story.
Write a blog post - Easy to do and a similar process to writing a forum post.
Write an actual article for the website - Write your story as an email and send it to me with any photos I'll turn that content into an article in your name.
All these ways have a 'Like' button and as mentioned when totalled up, the story with the most will get a prize
We'd love to hear from you.
With thoughts turning towards spring I would normally be sending out my, now slightly overdue, newsletter full of encouragement and ideas of what adventures we can have this years in our motorhomes.
Regretably with no totally positive news as to when our so dearly loved freedom will be returned to us, this will sadly be the furthest thing in our minds when it should be far flung places. Remember though that 'far' is objective in terms of distance, but what our vans give is I am sure we will agree is the ability to step away from the madding crowd and give us a feeling of being so far away from our regular lives. Some of you I'm sure will be camping on your driveways and gardens to give yourself that feeling!
So with an abundance of time on our hands how about a bit of creativity?
Members of Club Motorhome are invited to share photos and stories to keep us focused on our wonderful travels. The only thing we would like is for it to be in context with the very thing that is now keeping us at home - Covid 19. There I said it!
Perhaps you had to take flight from where your winter travels had taken you? Did someone show extreme kindness along your way? Did you snap some surreal pics of the effects of this new and terrible aspect of our lives? Will the end of the restriction change your travelling habits? We would like you to tell us your story.
Most 'likes' get a prize!
You can tell your tale in various ways on the site...
On the timeline - just a quick way to tell us your story and you can include some photos to your post if you'd like to.
On the forums - Like the timeline just create a new post with your story.
Write a blog post - Easy to do and a similar process to writing a forum post.
Write an actual article for the website - Write your story as an email and send it to me with any photos I'll turn that content into an article in your name.
All these ways have a 'Like' button and as mentioned when totalled up, the story with the most will get a prize

We'd love to hear from you.
If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!
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