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  Saturday, 14 March 2020
  17 Replies
  5.5K Visits

Motorhomers can quite literally be in the thick of it by wherever they happen to be at this time.

I've heard that Spanish campsites have closed to new admissions and those that choose to leave are making a dash for home to beat expected border closures.

Others are just hunkering down by a beach somewhere and plan to sit it out.

A motorhoming couple who have been fruit picking in Italy are now stuck there.

If you have been planning your travels will you still go? And if you've just returned to Blighty do you feel a sense of relief but still anxiety about what's to come?

How are you dealing with all this?

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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4 years ago
Thanks Tom1, almost fully fit now, just getting my lung capacity up to scratch will take a while, I feel desperately sorry for the folks who have really serious lung illness, that must be scary. There is almost always a funny side to all this, as I was taken by ambulance due to severe chest pain at just after midnight a surgeon who was dealing with my case approached me at around 03:00 to say that he couldn't find me on the system, oh! what horror, during the discussion about this we both realised that I broke my arm when I was 14 in 1964 and that was the last time I had been in hospital, fortunately we both saw how ridiculous the situation was. Nice guy the surgeon Sudanese, lots to talk about, history, religion etc
4 years ago
Sorry to hear of your health issues Rodders.
Hope your both well on the mend now one day things will get back to normal for using the motorhome.

Mind you I think Spinner is used to good food because he has the present Mrs Spinner well trained ;)

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

4 years ago
Spinner quite right my motorhome has sat on the drive, apart from a drive around to keep it actually running, since we arrived back home early March. Ozzy1955 and wife I contracted Pneumonia, taken in to hospital and spent 15 days recovering having lumber punctures to drain the fluid. The food was mostly indifferent which is a blessing, but, I couldn't say it was good.
4 years ago
We have just had to self isolate because my son decided he had lost his sense of taste, so he got sent home from school and told we must get tested.

I got into loads of trouble having a go at him accusing him of faking and skiving off.
It's taken 8 days to get the negative test results.
On dropping him back at school today he says, I thought exaggerating would get me a week off school :o

Little git is just like me when it comes to school.......

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

4 years ago
Mentioned this to the wife, Hospital food not that bad, :D
4 years ago
According to the Oxford English Dictionary....

A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness. In modern usage, it is an object, building project, scheme, business venture, facility, etc., considered expensive but without use or value.:o


4 years ago
Sat at home wondering who parked that white elephant on my drive :D
4 years ago
Your not wrong buddy
4 years ago
We have been locked in Corfu since February and now slowly making our way through Italy Switzerland and France ( plus nipping into Luxembourg) all places have been different , Italy has rules for masks & social distance in all public places & transport, Switzerland had only mask rules for public transport ( very worrying) france is pretty much the same as Italy, we wear masks and gloves in all of the shops , I think that we are safer over here than in the UK it's sad I know but we have been really slow in the UK and also relaxed the rules too quickly.
So travel through Europe and enjoy life don't sit around worrying , enjoy it Kev & Wendy
4 years ago
Have booked the channel tunnel for 2nd September to enter France for 3weeks , wife is worried we are making this trip just keeping eyes on the situation
We were over on 1st June and back at the end of June for two weeks quarantine.
Just came accross on Sat 8th Aug and what a change. Big queues at the tunnel hour late running loads of caravans and campers. French customs not remotely interested. No signs of mobile or border police through France or Belgium. Stopover in Mouzon tonight. I wad considering a dip in the river it was so hot but this great big Coupu (beaver like creature) was lazily swimming round eating the sprout like vegitation on the green weed. He was the size of a large Jack Russell dog but his front teeth alone were a good two inches high top and bottom rows.
The Aires does charge 8 euro but that includes electric and use of toilet and very clean shower when the office is open.
Will be stopping off at Luxembourg services on the way through tomorrow. Diesel still about one euro.
Looking forward to some more Mosel time for the rest of August and may even get a holiday to France then.

Has freedom to travel

4 years ago
Working in the green house and veg garden or tinking about in the shed. The sun is shing the birds are singing and no traffic noise - Whats not to like




4 years ago
Even my family think I'm antisocial,so nothing new for me!
4 years ago
Even my family think I'm antisocial,so nothing new for me!
4 years ago
Yep. I'm good at being grumpy and rude, I think I am French really :(lol)

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

Nothing new there then Tom....

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

4 years ago
I'm telling everyone to sod off and I'm not associating with people.
It comes naturally :(kiss)

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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