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  Thursday, 20 June 2019
  3 Replies
  4.5K Visits
We are 1st time travellers to France in our VW Hi-top, long wheel base campervan. We are going to Tignes in the French Alps in August. Any help/advice on best way of crossing the channel, cost of tolls etc., would be most helpful. Do we go for a telepage tag? Or do we pay by credit card? What paperwork needed etc.
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5 years ago
I usually use the tunnel,with frequent traveller account,which gives me 10 crossings for £460 +£12 surchange as my van is 8M long.It work s fine for me as I do a lot of crossing per year,single crossings in August either by tunnel or ferry will be pricy,so best to check websites for best deals,night/early hours crossings cheapest.I use tag for autoroute tolls,quicker and more convenient for me as I usually travel alone.Plenty of Aires for overnight stops in France listed here and elsewhere,do NOT use motorway Aires du service for overnights they are not safe and a haven for thieves.Most areas in the Alps will be very busy at that time so you may be best to prebook.If your not in hurry to get there use the national non tolls roads,now restricted to 80kph but you'll see the real France,have a good trip.Paul
5 years ago
I always find that the cheapest crossings are Dover to Dunkirk or Calais.
Followed by the tunnel.
Then the further west the departure port is the more expensive it becomes.
I have only ever paid one French road toll as we don't use the motorways, but the I rarely have an exact destination in mind, so I'm in no rush.

As Paul says, don't stay overnight in motorway service stations, it won't be far to a lovely village with an 'aire du camping car' which will provide all you need if you do want to stay overnight.
As always follow your gut, if you don't feel comfortable, don't stay.
There are loads of Aires listed here, but you can also buy books with them listed in, so you can look and choose which one to aim for each night.

You need to take your log book & insurance details with you and carry things like reflective jackets for each person in the veihcle, but you can buy all that in an EU kit from places like Halfords.
You also are supposed to have beam deflectiors fitted to you headlamps at all times. However my ones are in the glove box and haven't fitted them for the last 2 trips, we haven't driven at night but nobody has said anything.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

Hi clewless, nothing really to add to the previous excellent advice :)

Domake use of our Search for Stopovers facility for your route.... and also around your destination if you want to explore a bit whilst there.

I just located myself at Tignes and the search came up with 21 stopovers within 20 miles so lots to choose from....


Have a great trip!

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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