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  Tuesday, 18 December 2018
  7 Replies
  5.2K Visits
as we are off to Spain the last week of March for four weeks and mrs hotel only has the old paper only green licence we will both get the international driving permits from the post office, just to make sure we are covered during the period where we will be europeans or not, (please no political views) just asking whether anyone else has one or applied, during our last visit over 4 weeks of continual touring I cannot remember seeing a police man let alone talk to one, I must admit whilst driving the trucks I never had one and covered most eastern European countries and Russia I never thought about needing one,
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6 years ago
yep - the goverment is advising that we need an IDP after march 29th - but alas nothing is set in stone! I recently got an eamil from my insurance that I may need a green card and would have to apply 21 days in advanced if I want to go into europe - but again they are not sure because of goverment has a non confirmation of what is and what is not agreed!
what about and helath/travel insurance - don't know again! I will wait and see but me thinks we'll stop in the uk until some sort of deal is confirmed!!
All I can say is what a shambles from our elected MPs which ever side you are on!!!
5 years ago
well its all change here, Spain off, although we are off to Belgium and the Netherlands on the 7th April, As vertical Attitude says what a shambles, having seen the way the Spanish deal with any confusion we thought we would go where we were always welcomed, so ferry booked and van getting the treatment ready to go, no particular route but will call into some of the truck parking /restaurants I used back in the day, most of which have survived, unlike so many in France and Italy due to weight limits in the towns and new motorways,
5 years ago
IDP's are only £5.50 each ... but to drive to Spain you will need both the 1968 for most of Europe and the 1949 for Spain ... there is another the 1929 one but think that is only if you are visiting Liechtenstein :D
You can only get them at the certain post offices and you will need a passport size photo for each ... it took about 2/3 weeks to arrive

You may also need a green card from your insurance

The main thing is just take it in your stride and enjoy the trip :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

5 years ago
We will be arriving in the UK at the end of April and heading to Europe mid May (hopefully). We will be applying for an International driving License. We have also just discovered that we may need a Green card which is issued by your insurance company. We had never heard of this before but have applied for one from the Caravan Club insurance through Devitt. It only takes a few few days to be processed and delivered.
5 years ago
Was a bit worried when I read on the other comments that it takes 2 to 3 weeks as we will be heading to Europe within a couple of weeks af arriving in the UK. i just asked my sister what she did and she said she went to the main Post Office in Huddersfield and they issued it straight away.
5 years ago
all good now green card came today, IDP purchased in Dorchester, just hand over your picture, passport and money, the very nice lady completed them there and then , it is no longer an AA system but direct with the post office, and the animal post what a job to get a rescue dog these days, we have had two springers both rescued, the first one was an ex puppy factory that knew nothing of the outside world and was doing great with the help of our youngest son but had the cancer and passed after about 3 years with us, the next was a 5 year old stray that looked awful but one look into the wifes eyes and home it came after it had had a hair cut was treated for mange and an eye condition, we had rusty until it was 16, and it went every where with us and whilst I was away driving the wife walked it rain or shine every day, great memories, but now if you want one you have to visit the centre multiple times and follow strict guides, we have been looking for a smaller cocker type spaniel and a little black one has been in a northern centre for months , and is segregated from the others as it has issues, we cannot make 300 mile round trips to visit and they will not move it closer, all a dog wants is to be looked after and know it is it is safe, so it is still there and we must keep looking, sorry that went on a bit, we will start looking when we get home,
5 years ago
You are not alone ... I was refused on a home check because the fence panels in one part of my garden were not 6ft high ... and my home is quite small? lounge is 23 x 15ft and fence is up against an 8ft hedge that no dog would jump ... the panels were only put there to stop the little terrier from digging under the hedges ... So I asked my vet if there were any dogs that needed homes and she called me when she had a dog brought in for euthanasia because the owner could not cope with it ...
It might be worth asking your vet or go to a small local rescue ...

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

5 years ago
i did not think of the vet, they know our history for the last 19 years, thanks for that
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