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  Sunday, 04 November 2018
  11 Replies
  6K Visits
Hi CM friends.We are going to Greece next year for a special family birthday gathering .
I would love some tips and advice from members as we have not been further than France yet in our motorhome.
We plan to travel down to Italy and catch a ferry from Bari.If anyone has traveled to Italy before any help in routes or stopovers
campsites would be really appreciated. We are planning to take two weeks to get there ,two weeks in Greece and two/three weeks coming back .
Cheers Steve and Lynn
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6 years ago
I've travelled to Greece quite a few times for work and pleasure,and Italy many times.The quickest and most expensive route to Italy from Calais is via the French autoroutes(Pearge) and through MontBlanc tunnel to Aosta,Iusually go across Belguim free autoroutes via Lille,Mons,Namur down E25 to Luxembourg,Basle through Switzelland and on to Milan,40euro Swiss road tax(12mths) and some tolls,but offset by very cheap deisol in Luxembourg.Italian autopista tolls a bit pricy,I usually use SS roads which are free but not so quick,for Bari West coast or East coast routes from Milan much the same distance,also another Greek ferry service from Ancona further North.Another option is Calais.Lieage,Stutgart,Munich,Innsbruck,Brenner Pass,Trento and onwards South,German autobahns all free travel vignette for Austria around 20euro and toll for Brenner about 15euro and a really beautilfull drive either way,I usually go down one and return the other.Stops/campsites depend on how many miles you like to drive daily,Switzerland,Germany,Austrian motorway services safe and free for overnight stop,many with service points,French,Italian areas less safe,but still plenty of service points.Prices assume your van is under 3500kg.Which ever route you decide on its through some lovely countries and Greece is glorious,hope this helps enjoy your trip,Paul
6 years ago
Hi Paul,
Just picked up your comments on my post ref traveling to Greece. Very informative and sounds brilliant. All ferries are now booked and we leave middle of July.
Our first ferry to Greece is Bari to Sami to tour around Kefalonia. We absolutely love Kefalonia.
Thanks for the info I will let you know when we get back in September.
Steve & Lynn
6 years ago
no problem I've been away since Christmas with very little internet access,If you're travelling in July I would def. go Swiss route as the French aotoroutes will be pretty busy then,and if you've never been I can recommend the route back through Austria and Germany.Regards Paul
6 years ago
Hello harleysoftail

We did the trip to Bari and also took the free route through Belgium, Luxemburg and then Metz, Basle, along the bottom of Lucerne, St Gothard Tunnel, (free) (if the weather is good do the pass) Bellizona, Lugano, Como, Milan, Bologna and then down the coast to Bari. The only tolls would be switzerland and Italy (neither expensive). Personally I wouldn't book anything. There are so many campsites and aires to choose from, that way there is no day to day pressure on the drive. so you can enjoy the journey. Are you camping on board on the ferry?. Where are you going on the mainland after Kefolonia ?



6 years ago
I, possibly like others, am pleased this thread has started, thinking about later this year or early next year as Greece is a place I have never been to, so thank you harleysolftail for starting it and good info from eurosprinter and Spinner. May I ask why no mention of Road all the way. Already checking the route out. :D
6 years ago
hi Rodders,its possible to drive to Greece,but involves driving through Romainia and Albania I've driven through both,Romania ok but a lot of Backshise(small bribes) to anyone in uniform who decides you need a "visa" or you are driving too fast,too slow,tto close or riding a bike without lights in the daytime!!Albania about the same but with truly awfull roads.Both are still in places very poor countries and though most people very friendly,but travellers can provide a usefull extra income.Other routes through the Balkens are not really deseirable.Ferries from Italy are an easy safe way to Greece,if a little expencive.If you're adventurous overland route is well worth doing,but I bet you'll get the ferry back!
6 years ago
Thanks eurosprinter, having looked at a land route I did suspect that was going to be the answer, better to have it first hand rather than guessing, I have a feeling that we would not be insured also in one or other of those countries, but, that's academic really in the light of your info. Cheers.
6 years ago
Have a look at Haco Zeite on You tube,Rodgers,chap called Harmut who does lot of travel videos.He did one from his home in Bremmahven to Greece via the Balkan coast route,bit close to Kosovo for my liking but seemed ok
6 years ago
Thanks for that eurosprinter interesting video, tested my German quite a bit too, interesting route. :D
6 years ago
Mind you Harmut is travelling on German plates,several places in that region where GB plates could be a problem.I travelled a lot there when it was Yugoslavia without problems but later events have changed thing said a bit
6 years ago
Hi Spinner We are going to Kefalonia specifically for a special family gathering were everybody else is flying. So I decided to go in the motorhome taking 10 days or so traveling down through your suggested route and have an extra week exploring Kefalonia then taking 3 weeks coming back through Italy / France. Planning so far includes Bari, Matera, Pompeii, Florence , Riva del Garda ,Cortina ,
Thoughts after that are maybe Innsbruck Salzburg ???

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