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  Tuesday, 02 October 2018
  3 Replies
  5.3K Visits
Hi all.
Are the Aires in Belgium and Holland like French ones?

We are considering going towards the end of this month just for a quick week away, but we have never been to either country before.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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6 years ago
hi I have only taken my old lorry over to a show in the north of Holland at den helder, there the aire is on the old naval quay side, lovely toilet block looked after by the harbour master, there is a listing in the stopovers, I have made a list of the places I wished to visit and if there was not an aire near I used truckstops that I had used in my European work, these are happy to accommodate you and the parking fee is nil if you dine in the restaurant and that is exactly what most of them are restaurants not greasy cafes and with toilets and showers of a high standard, (do not forget to obtain the window ticket or you will get a very early awakening, the ferry from den helder to texel is fast and a good day out (we rented bikes on our first trip and since then I take my own with me) the ferry is only 5/9 mins stroll away from the aire and there are buses around the island, most of the other things I have visited have been either military or truck related, there are lots of things to see just research a bit before you go or like me you will keep returning,
6 years ago
Thanks Chris.
That explains why I see so many Dutch motorhomes in France.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
Hi Tom, Yes, although a bit thin on the ground in Holland. The one in Brugge is handy but campsite prices. There are some interesting places in Belgium. Well worth a visit for a week.



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