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  Thursday, 19 July 2018
  23 Replies
  5.8K Visits
After much thought and consideration I'm doing away with free memberships...

There are many reasons, some of which have been mentioned or alluded to before.

Basically giving free access to areas of the site unfortunately encourages signups from, in the main, people who just want something for nothing and are really not interested in being a part of the site community that is Club Motorhome.

We have a core of extremely helpful and sociable members and I'm very conscious of their time and efforts welcoming newbies and helping with 'one-off' forum posts asking for some kind of assistance from people who never respond or who are never heard from again.

Apart from all the original content that is our stopover information, downloadable eBooks etc etc, Club Motorhome is all about growing a membership of like minded enthusiasts, not just a list of names etc and for it to work it needs member input - even if that's 'only' by paying a subscription to support the site. Suggestions for member input are >>>here<<< - a list that is pointed out to EVERY member that joins...

Free access also makes it very easy for spammers to register and proceed to flog their products/services/self promotion etc. Hopefully as members you see little of this because of some of the security software that I run and my personal vigilance and input.

So, my apologies if the latest move causes any inconvenience to any existing (genuine) free members but the decision is made and all future memberships will require subscription.

Existing current free memberships will continue until their expiry date. I hope that those members appreciate the true value of the website and community, then upgrade to paid membership but that can only be their decision.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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6 years ago
You have our support Neil. CM is your baby and your the boss, well Caro lets you think you are!
Personally I am just very grateful that you have provided us the CM in the first place!

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
Fine by me ... CM is worth it :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

6 years ago
20 quid is nothing to pay for help and advise you give I found web site very helpful also like fact most Aires been personally visited you no going somewhere half decent was plenty I went on wouldn't share because wasn't all that ones I shared was all lovely worthy a share love the fact not one person tool pee out my spelling slowly getting used to the site just need teach the wife to use it but known Neil for while now from carthago owners club always loved seeing all photos wish was bit more banter but sure over time more people will chat I have good knowledge in fixing motorhomes service and repairs if can help anyone if local to me always happy to help anyone
6 years ago
I agree £20 is nothing to pay to be able to chat to me! ;)

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
Haha love waiting for your comments
6 years ago
Oh Millie, please don't encourage him ... the door of his Moho is only so wide :p

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

6 years ago
Neil, you are 100% right in your thinking!
6 years ago
Yes you have my backing, I know i'm a bit erratic on here but I appreciate the site and the regulars on here.
6 years ago
I agree £20 yearly is not a lot and then enjoying all the information that you may require. For me the E Books are very handy, where to stay free aires etc plus all the banter on here.
Thank you for all the supportive comments. I know the situation won't sit well with everyone which is why I took so long to make the decision.

But now that I have, I personally feel much better about it :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
Completely agree quite happy to pay a subscription for all the work that is put in to run the site.:)
6 years ago
Hi Neil & Caroline. :)

No problems here either with your decision.


Jock & Rita, :)
6 years ago
Happy to pay even though I’m an erratic (erotic?!) poster!

Andy & Jac and the dogs........
6 years ago
back on site in between trips,so on here avoiding uk tv,and just read e.mail and posts.Like others I have no problem in paying site subscription,£20 in well worth having someone else administer the site,well done Neil for a friendly,helpfull site,something more and more unusual on social media these days.Nice to be on a site with so many civised like minded people. Regards Paul
Happy to pay even though I’m an erratic (erotic?!) poster!

Andy & Jac and the dogs........

Bloomin predictive text eh? :D

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
Completely agree Neil. Other sites and Facebook pages are now awash with trolls and idiots. people who seem to spend their lives at their keyboard waiting to tear someone to shreds for their lack of knowledge, spelling, or different way of using their Motorhomes. I know you spend hours keeping hackers and trolls out of this site. I hope a lot of the free users will subscribe as there is so much more on here than on social media groups . Keep up the good work!

« Vive La France, le paradis du camping-car! »

It was a worthwhile experiment and has been responsible for some very valuable members joining and contributing.
I am sure you will continue trying not to get splinters as you scratch your head for new ideas.
The site is the tops just as it is and that is really down to both of you and your love for it.
Look forward to catching up before too long; I really miss Digger and his super, super personality.
Keith and Pauline

Has freedom to travel

6 years ago
Hi Neil
I am a new member ( joined 6 mins ago. I am pleased there is a fee, people don't value what they don't pay for. The community will be richer because of this.

I pick up my new Auto Camper Day van 170ps Tourneo Pop top on Wednesday. Will post a picture later.

Thanks for the site. Joining has also given me a reduction in my insurance with Caravanwise so whats not to like:-)
Yòu're very welcome johnbibby and thanks your support.

Look forward to the photos of the van and your adventures with it :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

mega value for the money (Gus is happy) Hi Neil do you send out subscription reminders
mega value for the money (Gus is happy) Hi Neil do you send out subscription reminders

Thank you :)

Yes reminders are emailed out 7 and then 2 days before expiration.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

6 years ago
I joined Club Motorhome for access to the downloadable e books of stopovers in UK and Europe, which I think are wonderful and I make good use of your information. I would be more than willing to pay an annual subscription for them.
However, I do not need, nor have time for, another on line social media chat forum, which is why I have not commented in the forum.
Everyones requirements are different.
I joined Club Motorhome for access to the downloadable e books of stopovers in UK and Europe, which I think are wonderful and I make good use of your information. I would be more than willing to pay an annual subscription for them.
However, I do not need, nor have time for, another on line social media chat forum, which is why I have not commented in the forum.
Everyones requirements are different.

Hi vixen, you're quite right about everyone's requirements. There's nothing compulsory about the chat or forum side of the site.

Your own support of CM is much appreciated at this end by your being a full member. :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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