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  Monday, 12 February 2018
  5 Replies
  5.6K Visits
Hi everyone
I have been out of commission for a while (I won’t bore you with the details) but I am now looking to buy a new van. I am trying to choose between a 2011 Autocruise Starburst and a 2014 Autotrail Tracker EKS. Does anybody have any observations which might help me make the choice?
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7 years ago
Sounds great Brian.
I bought a new autotrail with my father in 2003.
We took it back within a month because we were not impressed with it.
However the newer ones might be different.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
In the end we have decided on the Autocruise. I have read a lot of comments on various sites that Autotrails have a lot of problems with water ingress. They do make a lot of vans and I suspect that most of them are fine, but it is a risk we are not going to take.
7 years ago
I found with the rear kitchen people were always getting in the way of each other trying to come in and out of the door, whilst somebody else was trying to cook standing in the door way.

However that was with our kids and 4 to 6 of us in the motorhome

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
Hi Tom
They both look in good nick. The Autocruise is one owner, 27000 miles, the Autotrail 10000. The first is end washroom, the second end kitchen..
7 years ago
I looked at a similar age autocruise and wasn't that impressed.
Stickers on the bodywork faded and things like that, which personally would bug me.
But I haven't looked at the later autotrail closely.

Do they both have the same layout?

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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