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  Sunday, 07 January 2018
  6 Replies
  5.7K Visits
Hello to all you experts out there.

My wife and myself are both in our 70s and we want to buy a motorhome to travel the U.K and the continent, what we want is a two bed motorhome with a French or fixed rear bed and a single or double over the cab but if possible the size of a 6 or 7 berth with a 2.8 engine, as we want plenty of space.

All information will be appreciated .

A Happy New Year to you all.

Bernard and Sue.
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7 years ago
First question would be have you still got your C1 entitlement on your license? ... if not your choice of motorhome as in the larger ones would be restricted to 3.5tonnes

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

7 years ago
The AA, RAC, Caravan and Motorhome and the Camping and Caravan Club all carry great information on your driving licence, maximum weights etc.
7 years ago
Thanks Robsmith but the reason I asked was because when you are required to renew your license at 70 some people do not want the hassle of the medical to keep their C1 entitlement ... so I was wondering is Bernardduckpond had done so ... then it would give us a better idea on what might suit his requirements :)

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

The 'space' part might be tricky if under 3500kg is a maximum as katmax is getting to :)

A 2.8 engine may mean an older vehicle...

More info on requirements please to try and offer help.

Budget, touring or staying at places for longer etc etc

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

7 years ago
Hello to you all,

I have the c class licence, we want to tour and stay maybe 2 nights a week on site to empty the toilet just had a replacement right knee so automatic is favourite for me I thought a large engine would be better but welcome recommendations for all you experts out there.

7 years ago
I have a Hobby 70Q 4.25 tonnes with the 2.2 litre Fiat engine with the robotised auto box. Nominally rated at 150 bhp but re-mapped to 170, we traveled through The Jura, Bavaria and Austria with no problems on the hills, had the re-map done just for my satisfaction; yes it does make the longer hills easier but it's the overall performance which counts eg; better fuel economy with less throttle on the longer flatter sections. Before you jump and down about the Fiat auto box our Skoda is auto the one before was as was the C5 before and my Vito so I do know my auto boxes, getting used to the slow soft change of the Fiat is odd but once you have it's quite relaxing, we are on holiday anyway :)
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