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  Thursday, 10 May 2012
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  4.1K Visits
For this example we will look at a stopover in Lincolnshire that we display, The Blue Cow Inn & Brewery. We've used this example because it is available for guests to view without having to be a paid subscriber.

All the Pub Stopovers that we have on Club Motorhome can be found using the same method but the user needs to be a paid subscriber to get the detailed results of the other counties.

You may want to open another browser window displaying the Club Motorhome homepage so that you can follow this tutorial step by step on it without losing your place - Click here to open the other window.

Firstly hover over the menu button above for the 'Magazine' Section then drop down to 'Travel' and then to 'UK Pub Stopovers'. Clicking on this will show all the stopover counties (NOT individual pubs) on one map of the UK.

1 Select UK Pub Stopovers from the main menu

On this map it is possible to click on any of the markers to get a popup link to the page for the chosen county. Alternatively to go straight to your county of choice just select it from the main menu.

1 Select Lincolnshire

You can now see all the locations we have in Lincolnshire. These are displayed in a list with all the contact details and there is a map showing where they all are on a map.

1 On every county page there is a link to our useage guidelines - please read and stick to them, thanks :) .
2 The listings should be self explanatory and contain all the contact and location details that you should need.
3 The map shows the listings by way of markers that can be clicked to reveal a link to the individual locations detail page.
4 There is a comment section for members feedback.

To get to the locations detail page the 'Premises' link in the list or the relevant marker on the map can be clicked.

Clicking a marker on the map reveals a popup link to click.

The detail page displays the locations address and shows it on a map.

Where Google Streetview is available you will see a little orange man in the top left of the map. Now, the really clever bit about displaying these locations on a website rather than in a book is that you can 'drag' the little man across to the marker, let him go and the map will change to a moveable ground level image allowing you to explore the place from the comfort of your own computer B) .

1 Drag the man across

1 Move the image around with your mouse to explore the area

.....To be continued to show how to use our stopover information while you are offline.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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