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  Thursday, 31 August 2017
  1 Replies
  5.3K Visits
Having owned our (first) motorhome for 10 months now, we are about to undertake our first overseas trip with her..... Don't know whether we're feeling confident or competent, but are certainly beginning to feel like we have some idea of what we're doing, at least some of the time!! Have been trying, with little success (I'm a technophobe!), to find information on the "tinternet" as to what foods, liquids (alcohol mainly!) and other items are prohibited or restricted for taking into France and/or Belgium, and would be grateful for any advice..... And if anyone has any advice on "must do" places to visit in connection with the WW1 battlefields/memorials and the WW2 Normandy beaches, your input would be very much appreciated....
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7 years ago
Hi, and good luck with your first continental trip, you will love it.
There are no restrictions on taking alcohol or any food stuffs into France or Belgium. Alcohol is a bit cheaper in France and a lot cheaper in Belgium so unless it's a hard to find special malt that you cant live without you can save the weight of the bottles. For food we usually only take enough for a couple of days so we don't need to shop straight away. Tea bags, bacon, Asian sauces and spices are the only things I take from the UK. Hubby says WW2 museum at Caen is good and the flak tower behind the beach , also Pegasus bridge

« Vive La France, le paradis du camping-car! »

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