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  Saturday, 10 June 2017
  3 Replies
  6.8K Visits
Hello all, I'm new to this forum and not sure I am in the right category. If not, sorry.
Anyhow, I'm looking for a bit of advice. I have had a 2001 Drivelodge Bijou for about ten years - this is a conversion from a Suzuki Carry van - and It has been a great servant. Unfortunately it failed its recent MOT (for the first time ever) because of rust on the sills and underneath, and I am told the absolute minimum cost for welding etc to get it through the test would be about £800, and if I want a proper job done, including a quality job with repainting etc, more like £1500. I don't want to pay out that kind of money so am thinking a bit reluctantly of selling it (we are also getting on a bit, so maybe time to get something bigger and more comfortable now anyway). I have been offered £800 by someone local to take it off my hands as it stands,, but I understand they have some rarity value now, and feel that is rather low - though it is very difficult to know what the market value is as they are so rarely advertised. Would you advise shelling out either £800 (to get it through MOT) or £1500+ (to do it up nicely) and then trying to sell it? Or taking the £800 and running? My guess is there are a few fanatics out there somewhere who would really like it, but I may not be able to find them, and may end up losing money!
Any advice gratefully received.
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