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  Thursday, 06 April 2017
  7 Replies
  5.9K Visits
Hi all. I have a Rapido 7065+
It is plated at 3700cwt.
Can I have it replated to 3500cwt?
I'm told it should be pretty straight forward. Has anyone done this themselves?
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Hi Grouty, I'm sure you can...

Not sure what your existing payload is (Rapido have a reputation for being a bit minimal as standard) but you'll lose a valuable 200kg if you downplate. That may even make it impossible to use without technically overloading.

Plenty of information from these fellas SV Tech

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

7 years ago
As Neil says yes it is easily possible, if costly for the paperwork, but the payload is the concern, there must have been a reason it was uprated in the in the first place.
My dads motorhome was uprated from 3500 to 3850, but the only physical change was to put 16" wheels on instead of the standard 15".

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
Thanks to you both. I have no idea why it is plated at 3.7 or who did it. It may be that is was manufactured at that weight.
The only reason I was considering the change is because I am selling it and I feel it may be putting buyers off, especially the more mature buyers (like myself).
If I don't sell, then in a couple of years I will have to do the necessary for me to continue to drive it. (Reaching 70)
7 years ago
It was probably set at that weight to allow for the stuff you carry, if you take it to a weigh bridge, you will see if its over 3500kgs, which it may well be. My local sand and gravel suppliers charged me 4 cans of beer to use there weigh bridge. :D

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
Be careful about down rating as Essex Police recently had an exercise and pulled off a lot of motorhomes and caravans 2 were fined a lot of money and if you are overloaded what do you do with the stuff you have to take off before you are allowed to continue your journey ?, if you are thinking about down plating because you have reached 70 it would be a lot cheaper to pay for a medical than getting fined. :o

Tony A
7 years ago
Hi. No nothing to do with my age. Currently got it up for sale and had comments from potential buyers about the fact that over 35cwt they don't have the correct license.
7 years ago
Hi. No nothing to do with my age. Currently got it up for sale and had comments from potential buyers about the fact that over 35cwt they don't have the correct license.

Its a pain with the licence isn't it grouty, just to help, I will give you 10k for it now :p

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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