Thursday, 14 April 2011
  21 Replies
  8K Visits
Having just become dog owners (see our blog entry here) It occured to me that I had omitted to include a forum for pets.

So here it is, lets hear about yours :)

This is 'Digger'

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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8 years ago
They are lovely Pete ... they will fit nicely in your motorhome :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
A light bulb moment Neil, but just realised that the photo's that do not upload the right way up are from One drive on my laptop. I have had a look at this and cannot see how to change the settings so that the photo's upload the right way. Any suggestions??

As far as I know (and I could be wrong :) ) the EXIF data is set by the camera settings. 'One Drive' probably just reads its info from that, whereas your phone probably displays its own photos to suit its own settings....

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

A light bulb moment Neil, but just realised that the photo's that do not upload the right way up are from One drive on my laptop. I have had a look at this and cannot see how to change the settings so that the photo's upload the right way. Any suggestions??
Hi Neil, thanks for the update, I honestly do not know why some photo's appear the right way up and others don't!!! I have checked the setting's on my laptop and my phone and all appear to be OK. My phone is a new one so the photo's size are still set to the default within the phone. I will re-check the laptop though and see if I can sort anything out there. Failing that my daughter is out on 19th to spend Christmas here with us so she might be able to help us sort this problem out......

8 years ago
Hi Neil, I have checked everything and I am still at a loss as to why the photo's of our dogs aren't the correct way up. The other photo's I posted have all uploaded OK and are all from the same phone and source...... I will give it another try....

Just an update for you. I downloaded your latest image to my computer and opened it in an editing programme (Gimp) which flagged up that according to the EXIF data (a setting within your device) the image is rotated.

I've just rotated it within my machine and have attached it to this reply so that you can see all is well with the website upload process.

(Also you might like to reduce the filesize of photos within your phone, that one was 4MB! You'll be taking up a lot of storage with photos that size)

Hope this helps.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

This is Finn the latest addition to our "family" We re-homed him a week ago but are still waiting to sign his adoption papers.
Finn is the little black and tan terrier on the left. Cachita the black dog we re-homed approx 6 weeks ago.=, she is now legally all ours as all paper work has been signed and the fee's for adoption paid. We will definitely have to keep away from re-homing centres as we now have 3 dogs or we will have to buy a bigger motor home :D :D
I should say Benny is the little white and tan wire haired Jack Russell. He really was a character and is sadly missed.....
This is Mollie & Benny. We lost Benny in June to cancer......
Hi Neil, I have checked everything and I am still at a loss as to why the photo's of our dogs aren't the correct way up. The other photo's I posted have all uploaded OK and are all from the same phone and source...... I will give it another try....
8 years ago
Neil can you tell me why my photo's have appeared in my posting sideways??



Not offhand Pete, I see katmax has posted since and her photos seem OK.

Just trying a test with a portrait oriented photo on here (Digger and his 'cousin' Boysey waiting to go out in the car)

Edit: which seems fine. Maybe a camera/phone setting?

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
My handsome boy Max ... he is 6.5yrs old and I have had him since he was 2.5yrs ... got him when I was advised he was to be euthanised because he was "Out of control and aggressive" ... I went to see him taking our little dog Tanner who was a Boarder terrier X (what with we were never sure) ... Max charged up to her, she growled and he sat down looking really hurt that she did not like him ... the rest you is obvious
It took me 18mths to teach him his manners as he had no training at all ... even though I think he learnt more from Tanner than he did me at times ... Tanner succumbed to cancer in May this year and Max sorely misses her
Now he has torn his Gastrocnemius muscle and is under cage rest for 4wks to see if he can get away without an operation ... anyone who knows Labradors will understand how he is hating that ... plus our trips have been put on hold until he is better ...
So keep posting all your trips and what your pets have been up to so Max and I don't have withdrawal symptoms ;)
Pictures are of Max and his little mate Tanner

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

Neil can you tell me why my photo's have appeared in my posting sideways??


These are our 2 dogs, Mollie who is 14 and now a diabetic and full of arthiritis. Cachita we re-homed 4 weeks ago here in Fuerteventura, she is about 6 months old and was found wandering in the streets of Caldereta . We took the motor home to the south of the island last week and to see how the dogs would be in it. As you can see from the first photo they were very comfortable in it........the second photo was taken in our kitchen....
8 years ago
This is our "Millie" 2 & a half years ago, when we were tent camping in the Isle Of Wight
8 years ago
Meet Fynn, our 11 month old sprocker. Before we choose her we were warned how active and lively sprockers are, she has certainly lived up to their reputation but a lovely loyal friend and I've lost half a stone. She loves traveling in our MH, and settles down easily when on the move.

8 years ago
How do I get back to the forum on pets

Hi Gerry, if you look at the top of any forum pages there's a forum menu:

Forums, Recent, Categories etc

'Forums takes you to the Index where you'll find all the categories listed. Under 'Community' you'll find 'Pets'

But even easier if you are on a Pet topic already, you'll see the category 'Pets' on each posting - see screenshots :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
How do I get back to the forum on pets
8 years ago
My boy is called Tyson you can possibly see why by the photo. He is a very sociable dog when he gets to know you but if anyone comes near the MH or house that he does not know all 42kg's are heading for them with bared teeth. So we have to watch we get no visitors that arrive unannounced, Once he has tasted their blood he seems to settle.
Click on the tiny pic to enlarge
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