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  Sunday, 21 August 2016
  24 Replies
  7.5K Visits
We are planning our next year holiday in UK. Our motorhome is an Adria Vision 707SL, are very interested in tips and advices, what too see, and places to visit, and nice camping sites. We are most interested in the English countryside, and smaller places.
In 1994 we did a 2 week "road trip", around in England, from Newcastle, Bows more, down to Worthing, through Lake District, Yorkshire Dales and many nice places. This was with our station car.
Now we want to bring our MH. and spend about 3 weeks in the UK. Has got some warnings about narrow roads, tiny camping sites. But we are not afraid to try, hope to get some serious advices, and tips.
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8 years ago
I find the best weather is often in September, however one week/day can be hot and sunny, the next wet and cold almost any time of year :o

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Hello Par Harald and Happy New Year to you.

The weather in the UK is determined by the position of the Jet Stream and over the last few years we have had good and bad weather in June. Any of those weeks is 'pot luck'.However, this is probably also the best time as the schools will not be on holiday, therefore places will be less crowded.

I would suggest following the BBC weather programme as they are usually pretty accurate. They also do a nice little App.

Best Wishes

8 years ago
Hi again too you all!

We will go to Britain during this summer, are there some recommendations "of best weather" first or last of the summer season?
We are wondering about week 26-27-28-29 or 27-28-29-30. Which are the weeks with less rain?
In fact, we do not care so very much about the weather, but are there some recommendations, so are they very welcome.
8 years ago
Its great to hear from you again old soldier.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Hi folks. We are members of both clubs, have been for years. We do use the CL and CS sites quite a lot but have also used the main sites too. Yes, sometimes they can feel a little regimental, being an old soldier I'm quite used to that! It can be annoying if on the odd occasion you are told to park up facing in, or out for no apparent reason however in my experience it's only so that your awning / sunshade is facing the extra grassed side of your own pitch and not in a position where it might compromise your neighbours pitch. I have also come up against the odd grumpy, jobsworth warden. In our case it is rare and I can live with it. Actually I have come across more of them on private sites.
Well that will do it for now, after such a long gap in my communications I now need to go for a lay down, my typing finger is knackered!!:p
8 years ago
As to the clubs being regimented ... I belong to both and have never found it so ... but I have never used any of their big sites where I suppose they need rules to keep from it all descending into anarchy ...

Hi Katmax, I am not a member of either club but my comment was based on my experience of a caravan club, larger site, in which I was told that I should not have driven forward into my pitch, I should have reversed and I must turn around, I apologised to the warden and said I would just sort a few things out and would move.
I was shocked when the response was 'you will move now or I will throw you off the site'.
So I told him where to go and we left the site, I wrote and complained but didn't get any response.

But I agree minimal rules are needed but being away is ment to be enjoyable.

I think the smaller sites are often run by the owners In a more informal way

I'm pleased your experience is different, yours will be more reliable as I haven't been back to a club site since!

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Hi Per-Harald

The two main clubs are the Caravan club who charge membership of £48 for the year and have big sites and CL's which only allow 5 vans on at a time ... then there is the Caravan and Camping club which charge membership of £37 per year and have the dame set up just they call their small sites CS's ... you would probably have to book in advance because they are popular in the summer ...
If you google 5vans you will come up with more smaller sites ... in fact just google caravan and camping in the UK ... you will come up with loads of info
If you are a full member of CM you have all the pub stopovers to choose from as well

As to the clubs being regimented ... I belong to both and have never found it so ... but I have never used any of their big sites where I suppose they need rules to keep from it all descending into anarchy ...

Just remember it is your holiday and you choose how you want to spend it ...

P.s depending on where you dock in the UK, North Norfolk is worth a visit ... but I maybe bias about that :D ;)

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
The caravan clubs are ok and have there place, but being a member of one, you will be expected to do as your told, park the way round they tell you in the pitch and behave how they dictate.

As long as you accept they are regimented they are fine.

The Caravan and Camping club is the one I have considered.
The freedom camping club is a nice idea but they dont have many sites compared to the others.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Hi too you all again!
Yes, we have decided that our summer in 2017, must be in UK, that is no doubt.
We have seen the documentary series " Carry On Caravanning", on television in Norway :) :D :D :)
They did also visit some nice places, some looked to be "only for members", I am not thinking about the nude place!
So I wonder which caravan clubs would it be smart to become a member of, to get access to most places?
8 years ago
Hi again too you all!

Just want to say, that if there are some who wants info about traveling in Norway, Sweden or Denmark, I will be more than happy to assist.
8 years ago
Hi too you all!
We are impressed over response and nice tips. A little about us, we have been using motorhome in 14 years, caravan before in about 8 years. Have been traveling Norway up and down, Denmark, Sweden, parts of Germany, and up and down to Croatia last 6 years. In 1971 I spendt some time in Worthing, and has visited England several times after that. It was my wife who asked me "why not England next year?". I agreed at once, so we are ready for England tour for 3 weeks summer 2017. Who knows, we might meet some of you :) :) :)
You are so driven by the weather's in the UK so be prepared and flexible to dodge the rain. We have local tourist information offices and if you intend a touch and go holiday the pub stopover list should not be overlooked.

Has freedom to travel

8 years ago
Hi Par Harold

Where in Norway do you live?

I just love your country. Will get back there in the motorhome again sometime.



8 years ago

As you no doubt know, finding a place to overnight in your van in the UK is not so easy as in the rest of Europe.

There is a guide by MMM magazine that lists places where you can park your motorhome in the UK, some enlightened places allow overnight parking too.

The latest link I can find is here:

If you find yourself down Devon way, one of our favourite sites is Woodlands Grove ( near Dartmouth. Lots to see in the area and they do a very good 'adults only' deal (5 nights for £54) if you fancy a rest for a few days.

Have a good trip.


(Admin edit: Competitor information removed)

I agree it isnt as easy as europe but it is getting easier and many places now allow overnight.
We just did 3 weeks no sites, staying where overnight is allowed, cost about £60 in overnight parking fees for the whole 3 weeks.
Things are changing in the uk in many areas.
For example Powys council in wales allow overnight an about 10 car parks. For free.
Torridge council in Devon allow overnight in 6 car parks £5 a night.
Winchester in Hampshire, free over night its a car park but £7 for the day, the list goes on an on!
Yes there are not as many facilities for waste and fresh water but there are a few and i often call into campsites. Offer them a couple of quid to empty the loo and fill the water tank.
Never been told no, so far!

The problem with the MMM guide is its all campsites and very expensive charges, for me its a list of caravan sites and doesnt embrace the spirt of motorhoming.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago

As you no doubt know, finding a place to overnight in your van in the UK is not so easy as in the rest of Europe.

There is a guide by MMM magazine that lists places where you can park your motorhome in the UK, some enlightened places allow overnight parking too.

The latest link I can find is here:

If you find yourself down Devon way, one of our favourite sites is Woodlands Grove ( near Dartmouth. Lots to see in the area and they do a very good 'adults only' deal (5 nights for £54) if you fancy a rest for a few days.

Have a good trip.


(Admin edit: Competitor information removed)
8 years ago
Hello Harald
Try the NE coast,Whitby,Robinhoods bay or further north like Berwick, There is plenty of lovely countryside in the NE. Middleton teesdale etc.
Hope you plan a lovely trip.
8 years ago
Thank you for very good ideas, are looking at south west, Somerset looks real nice, and seems to contain lots of adventures.
We will be planning through the whole Norwegian Winther, and make plan A, B and at least C and D, for our UK trip 2017.
8 years ago
Hi Per-Harold

Take a look at the National Trust website. The NT is an amazing organisation. Many of the places to visit are in the countryside. You can learn a lot about British history and culture.

Spinner :)
8 years ago
Also there are many private car parks and great club motorhome stops all over, so little planning or booking is needed if you use them.
We have just done 3 weeks with no campsites.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Hi Per-Harold.
I was in the process of suggesting that some of us might tell you about the lovely areas we live in as a starter and having worn down my one typing finger about Somerset I seem to have lost the lot!!
So....instead of trying again here is a link to the Somerset Tourist website. Somerset is fantastic, varied countryside, lovely cities and towns, much wildlife, beaches, hills and lowlands. A real gem in the south west of England....
Oh, and there are loads of great campsites, lots of roads, not all small!!, and they make great cider and cheese here too!
Hope this gives you a starter.

Regards. Pete :D
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