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  Wednesday, 17 August 2016
  8 Replies
  6.3K Visits
Hey all!!
Pretty new here so, hey I'm Oliver, I bought a talbot express Highwayman about 4 months ago. Absolutely love it to bits.
In September I am taking her to France, I am going to live in her (Jane) whilst I volunteer at the refugee "jungle" in Calais for two weeks. I am however super strapped for cash and would like to use as much of the money I have raised for calais on food and provisions to fill up the van with.
Has anyone got any tips? Really appreciate any ideas!

Thanks! :D
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7 years ago
I recently booked the tunnel for the summer, mainly because I have never been through it, the Dover Calais ferries were about half the price, for similar crossing times though.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

7 years ago
Hi Oliver,
With reference to your post of last year about "Ferry v Tunnel", it may assist you in making future decisions to know that, if you shop at Tescos and collect Club card vouchers, these can be used towards Tunnel bookings at the rate of £30 for every £10 voucher! I have just booked a return trip on Le Shuttle, travelling on 1st March and returning on 24th May and costing £179 in real money, for the cost of £60 of Tesco vouchers, so no cash outlay whatsoever!! And booking it was so easy!!

8 years ago
Thank you all!
I am going to start the hunt now. Ferry it is I think!!!!!
Best wishes!
8 years ago
We normally use the ferry, either Dover Calais or Dover Dunkirk. Les suffers badly from claustrophobia so the tunnel is out for us. Having had some difficult experiences with Calais and Dover, not to mention that dreadful journey to and from Dover ( we live in Somerset ) this year we tried out Newhaven / Dieppe for the first time. What a nice experience, no traffic problems, no immigrants, no delays, boarding the ferry from both sides was a breeze, nice boat, a real joy despite the 4 hour crossing time. £160 return was not bad and although we headed east towards Luxemburg and Germany I did not find the journey to be too far out of my way. The bonus was the "mini cruise" on the way back, flat calm and beautiful sunshine, we sat out on deck all the way home, absolutely brilliant. Will defiantly do it again. :D
8 years ago
I always check both prices and the ferries always seem to come out cheaper. I often travel DFDS as they are usually cheaper but the last time, 1st August back on the 8th August P&O were cheaper.
8 years ago
Hi Oliver and welcome!

Good luck with your work I'm sure many of us would like to know how you get on.

Ferry is most likely cheapest. We use the tunnel as a preference because of our dog :)

If you book unsociable hours ferry crossings they can be the cheapest and obviously avoid bank holidays etc.

The ferry websites make it quite easy to compare prices day by day.

Hope this helps.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
Hello Oliver

We use the ferry, book online and we don't usually book until a few days before we go.

Hope this helps



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