Our motorhome stopover listings just got even better!

Following the success and popularity of our UK Pub Stopover listings we have been campaigning hard to add more locations.

We now include other interesting motorhome friendly stopover locations to increase the appeal to those who don't just want to stopover at pubs. These include vineyards, breweries, farm shops, craft centres and more.


The total number of our UK Stopovers is now well over 300 and we have also increased the coverage to over 60 counties in the UK meaning that there are nearly always going to be suitable stopover locations wherever you plan to travel.

Click here for a tutorial to help you get more out of the listings.

Don't forget we give free subscriptions to members who submit more than 5 new stopover locations to us, just complete the form below - we'd love to hear from you!

And finally, all this information is FREE with a Club Motorhome subscription which is now even better value at just £20!

Submit a Pub/Farm Shop/Brewery/Vineyard/Craft Centre etc

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If you need to reduce the photo filesize then this is an example of a free solution - PIXresizer

However there are much easier ways to reduce your photo size Photo Uploading Guidelines

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