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Club Motorhome - - Insurance Scheme with Adrian Flux – Tel: 0800 0325 411

Adrian Flux Discount squareAt Adrian Flux Insurance Services our comprehensive Motorhome cover – including camper vans - has been designed to give you great value for money.

Cover is available for all makes and models of camper, from special classic policies for VW camper insurance through to EU and Japanese imports and professional or amateur conversions of any van or coach. 

In every case we offer a discount for a limited mileage.

Contents cover is available on selected policies for any items that are not considered standard fixtures and fittings, ICE systems and camping essentials like gas bottles, generators and awnings.

We are also able to provide full cover for camper conversions and self-conversion projects based on almost any vehicle, including cover for vans or coaches in the process of being converted.

Campervan Insurance

With over 30 years experience, Adrian Flux has a reputation for designing camper insurance that matches your needs to your budget.

We understand that owning a camper is about a lifestyle, as much as it is about the vehicle, and our cover takes this into account.

You will find all of our policies include a free green card for European travel, with some schemes allowing trips of up to 90 days at a time. What's more we can offer discounts of up to 15% if you belong to a recognised web forum or camper owners club.

Whether you bought your camper as a practical way to take a holiday or simply to have fun weekends with, we understand the key features that all camper owners need from their camper van insurance policy.

That's why we offer:

Agreed value cover – many insurers will only pay out the 'market value' of your precious camper if you suffer a total loss — absolutely gutting if you've spent thousands keeping it in mint condition. We can assess your campervan, of any type, and agree cover for its true value, so you won't get a nasty surprise if you need to make a claim. 

Left Hand Drive cover – is not a problem.

Import Camper Insurance – whether you've bought a Californian, Mexican or Brazilian VW Camper, or imported a Japanese Campervan, we have a specialist policy for you.

Specialist schemes – covering VW Camper Insurance, Self Conversion Camper Cover, classic camper policies, Japanese Import Camper Schemes (including Mazda Bongo) and more.

Limited Mileage discounts – the fewer miles you drive, the more you can save, from as little as 1,500 miles.

Contents cover – depending on the policy taken, including gas bottles, awnings and personal effects.

Modified / Converted Camper cover – we can provide like-for-like cover for your modifications. Converted and Self-converted vans & buses can be covered too.

Owner's Club Discounts – If you belong to a recognised owners club or enthusiasts' forum, you will receive a discount of up to 15%, depending on the policy taken.

Please call us on Freephone number:  0800 0325 411 for a motorhome quotation and please mention 'Clubmotorhome' or click through on the following link for an online quotation:-


Get a quote for your insurance

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