We have made some changes to our subscription software to enable registered (but not yet subscribed) users to use the forums in the same way that full members can. This means that guests (non registered visitors) can now only read the forums and not answer posts or create new ones.
Registration is required for all forum users together with a one-off contribution fee. If you haven't already, just click on the 'Register' button in the top menu and follow instructions - it only takes a minute!
Subscription is still required for access to the rest of the Club Motorhome website.
The reason we are unable to allow guest posting is for security. Sadly these days there are many mindless individuals and machines (presumably programmed by mindless individuals) that try to flood unprotected forums with spam. Only yesterday while testing the forum a spammer posted several topics carrying links to undesirable websites. So we have had to enforce our secure registration process to filter out these characters.