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Club Motorhome Bloggers

Blogs written by Club Motorhome members.

Denia to Calpe

The first week at the Denia aire was great. Beach walking for Digger, a fine local tapas bar which we were very happy to introduce some fellow members to 

Those that played it safe ordering bocadillos etc were quite obviously envious with our groups choices of a selection of the freshest local tapas - when in Spain and all that!

Saturday was the giant paella day and very good it was too. the owners of the Aire supplied this free to us and it was much appreciated. Following the paella we drew our raffle which had made a total of €132 - Thank you again all those that contributed.

All too soon the first week was over and we all (well, nearly all) transferred to the Aire at Calpe for the second week. Another 'super' Aire and within a few minutes walk to the beach and bars, restaurants etc.

To the left hand side of the resort is a coastal walk which wends its way along the rocky coastline...

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The 2012 Denia Meet

Our latest rip is to the combined Club Motorhome, Motorroamers and Facts meet at Denia and Calpe on the Mediterranean coast of Spain.

We arrived a couple of days before the start of the meeting and were nicely settled in by the time everyone else had arrived.

The meet has got off to a good start thanks to the excellent organisation skills of C7KEN!
Yesterday was the first official day and Ken held a welcome meeting to elaborate on his plans ( at the local bar ). He's got plans for a cycle ride to show new visitors the local facilities and a ride into Denia.

We got off to a flying start with a raffle that we are holding to contribute to our chosen charity Asthma UK with over 90€ raised so far - A BIG thank you to all that have bought tickets. The draw will be on the Paella Day which if I remember rightly is Saturday. The prizes being: 2 Club Motorhome Tee shirts, A Club Motorhome baseball cap, A £5, 2 x £10 and a £30 memership vouchers . (If you are not at the rally but would like to help by donating we have a donation button on the front page of the Club Motorhome website)

But its not all busy, busy, busy - The beach is only a short walk away...

There are maybe 40+ plus vans here and its been lovely to meet up with friends old and new. The vans attending are from Motoroamers and Facts as well as us. We have 2 vans attending but about 5 other members who are on the other attendance lists.

The Club Motorhome contingent.

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