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  Wednesday, 08 February 2017
  9 Replies
  5.4K Visits
This is a question for all motor homers who travel with their dogs. We are starting our journey back to the UK from Fuerteventura on 18th Feb. We will be catching the ferry from Dieppe to Newhaven on 28th Feb. Our 2 Spanish re-homed dogs have had all their injections, worming etc and have a full up to date Spanish passport. Mollie our Dog from the UK is also up to date with all her injections etc.
We have been informed by our vet today that our dogs will have to be vet checked within 5 days before we enter the UK therefore a trip to the vets in France before we leave on the ferry. Is this correct?? We genuinely thought that after their vet check here on 17th before we leave that that would be it until we arrived back in the UK. Can anyone give us any advice please.

Much appreciated

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7 years ago
Hi Yorkshire Wombat,

Your vet is correct, you need to visit a vet between 1 and 5 days before you travel to the UK.

The (French) vet should check the passport for up-to-date medical stamps, give each dog a quick once over and witness the application of worming tablets even if they have been recently wormed (which you can supply yourself if you prefer). Expect to be relieved of about 30 Euros per dog!

When you get to the ferry/tunnel check in, the passports will be checked, along with the dogs's microchip details, before you can proceed.

It's important that you make sure that the vet has stamped the passport correctly dates wise in this respect.

In practice its not much bother just find a vet within those travel times away from the port :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

Morning Neil,

Thank you for confirming what our vet has told us. We are now trying to find a vet on our route up to Dieppe.

Again many thanks

7 years ago
Once you start looking out for them you'll notice vets in nearly all the towns and villages you pass through.

In the past we've just stopped where it was convenient a couple of times, rarely an appointment needed. :)

There's this Google Map that might help to look for a vet in advance but they are pretty much ecerywhere...
7 years ago
Please please please. Do not even consider bringing yet more unwanted dogs and cats inti UK just because they are sad looking. Having managed a recscue kennel for 20 years surely you could give a home to an unwanted animal in this country rather than add to the appalling problems of puppy breeding kennels, and of dog fighting kennels who take the fighters out on trawlers, or fights on articulated lorries.
Yes just bring some more grist for the mill, you might think that the dog you bring will be the special one, but if it turns out to be a wrongun what are you going to do with it. Take it back?
I think not, just pass it on.
Morning Madjaxy,

Who are to to judge us??? What gives you the right to make those assumptions when you do not know a thing about us??
Firstly all the dogs we have ever had barring one have all been rescued dogs. We raised funds for Dogs Trust for many years.
We decided to spend more time away from the UK and we took our 2 dogs with us, we didn't abandon them in the UK. Unfortunately we lost Benny our rescued wire haired Jack Russell to cancer last June. We were in a position where we can rescue 2 other dogs here in Fuerteventura. We have to come back into the Uk for reasons which I am not prepared to discuss on an open forum so therefore the dogs have to come with us and not be abandoned again. We know there is a shocking problem in the UK regarding abandoned dog's and unscrupulous breeders but there is no one there with the guts or power to do anything about it. We will in all probability rescue another dog when back in the Uk who will go on our travels with us along with our 2 Fuerteventurian dogs, who believe me will not be abandoned again. We only posted on here to make sure we got our facts right in bringing our dogs back into the Uk by ferry we did not expect your comments.

7 years ago
Here here any dog rescued no matter from where works for me keep it up and enjoy your trip
Thank you for your support Doobray,

We have in our life together rescued 2 ponies, 4 sheep, many chickens and numerous cats ans dogs :D :D

Evening all,

Just a quick up date, we finally returned to the UK yesterday from Fuerteventura after 10 day's steady travelling with the dogs.
The dogs were absolutely amazing, they behaved so well, as soon as I turned the key to start the motor home they all laid down and settled down for a kip bless them. No problems passing through passport control or immigration with them either, we were anticipating some hassle but nothing thank god.
I will say though that anyone thinking of going over to the Canary Islands with their dogs should think twice as the kennels if that's what you can call them were atrocious, they were nothing but cages. The original kennels we were allocated were filthy, they had dog poo in them and absolutely stunk. They said they would put our dogs in "The new kennels" these were nothing but cages on a cold semi open deck with all the refridgerated containers. Mollie our 14 1/2 yr old dog struggled to cope with the flights of metal stairs, I ended up carrying her as much as possible but she couldn't even stand on Sunday when we went down to check them at 7am and we left them at 1.30am...... we thought we would end up losing her but fortunately we managed to sort her out and get her walking again.
Anyway we are back in Yorkshire now, our 2 re-homed Fuerteventurian dogs had their first real walk to day on a grass field and they loved it, they are so inquisitive with everything.
We have photo's of our trip but Sue is strugglling getting them re-sized to put on here.
Glass of wine now and feet up......:D :D
7 years ago
Glad you are all back safe and sound ... that ferry sounds awful ... hope Mollie is recovered now ... I bet those two other imps were loving the feel of soft grass ... well done you two for adopting them ... All dogs need a good home, where ever they are from does not matter ... it's the home that counts
Looking forward to seeing the pictures ... :)

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

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