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  Saturday, 07 January 2017
  4 Replies
  4.4K Visits
Please , what happened to the section on Motor homes for sale which used to advise from A to Z with details , price , year etc..
It used to be in the Magazine section / classified but seems to have been removed, It was super useful to have a general idea of availability. If not through CM could someone please forward the link.

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8 years ago
Hi Jean,

It's for technical reasons I'm afraid.

CM now has what's known as a SSL (basically a security certificate) to protect anyone using the site from hackers - you'll notice in your browser address bar that our web address now starts with an https rather than just an http, the 's' stands for secure. Using this certificate means that information displayed on CM from elsewhere has to come via equally secure methods and the component I was using to display those motorhomes for sale is not able to comply with the security requirements at the moment, so I've removed it... for now.

I've been in discussion with the developer of the particular component and there may be some progress in the pipeline, if so I'll reinstate it. In the meantime the same information can be found by searching ebay but its a bit of a long-winded method compared to the way CM displayed the information.

Sorry for any inconvenience but users online security is high priority on here :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
Thanks Neilmac, Agreed security v/s unreliable info = no contest. Hopefully you'll be able to sort something out as it really was a top setup. Another bit of info please , I'm not sure when my temp membership expires. Has the system got a reminder / warning?
Thanks & happy travels in the new year,

8 years ago
....I'm not sure when my temp membership expires. Has the system got a reminder / warning?

Thank you...

You're good 'til mid February :)

You can always check to see how long you have left by looking at the 'Membership Status' module on the left side of 'Your Page'. You'll get a reminder 7 days before expiry but you can renew anytime, your new subscription just gets added to the existing so you don't lose any time - hope this helps.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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