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  Wednesday, 09 November 2016
  6 Replies
  3.3K Visits
Hello everyone just back to a motorhome after about thirty years in caravans and statics.
So starting to relearn what to pack for days out and holidays as what is needed for both is different
should be ok for weight most of the time as have just bought a 2006 auto trail Arapaho 6 bearth
So will be looking on here for ideas.
just spent first weekend away in it at Blackpool parked in bank street car park 10 pounds for 24 hours very nice much quicker than a caravan.
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8 years ago
Yes its a bit large as they say, but its got to take me, the wife, the sun in law, his wife (my daughter) two grand children and a collie dog. that's for main hols. then a couple of week ends a month towing a grass track car to race meetings.
so should get the use out of it.
8 years ago
Welcome back Mike, there is nothing to beat the freedom and spontaneity of motorhoming, thats a good looking van....and as Frankie Howerd would have said "Ooooh errr missus thats a big un"
8 years ago
Glad your pleased with the van,
I have had two Autotrail's in the past a 1983 Cherokee on a Merc chassis that we had for 20 years, I loved it, and a 2002 Cheyenne on a Mrec Sprinter Chassis which we only kept 7 weeks, but the less said about that the better.

Yours looks lovely Mike.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
As for the moho as you put it very nice 06 plate with only 13000 miles on clock very nice drives like a dream at 2000 rpm and getting about 25 to the gallon so well happy.

Sorry about Moho it's because I am getting lazy in my old age ... have you named him/her/it ... my Duetto was called Denny after my late partner, but it has been in the garage so often this year they christened it Phoenix and it has stuck ... a friend even cut me a sticker for the bonnet :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
Went to see the lights and test the van, very nice but very cold.
As for the moho as you put it very nice 06 plate with only 13000 miles on clock very nice drives like a dream at 2000 rpm and getting about 25 to the gallon so well happy.
8 years ago
Hi Mike ... Had to nip over to your profile to see what your Moho looked like ... looks good ... are you happy with it?

Blackpool I have not been there for a few decades ... hope you had a good break :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

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