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  Sunday, 06 November 2016
  20 Replies
  4.4K Visits
Hello All,
Returning to Motorhoming after a 5yr break , had a health scare earlier this year and have now decided to hopefully go full time around Easter while we can, the house is as good as sold to our only daughter so once she has sold her flat and sorted her finances we should be read to go,have loads of questions to ask :D hope to catch up with some of you soon...Dave and Elaine
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8 years ago
That sounds exciting, are you planning on starting in the UK or further afaield ?
8 years ago
Hi Dave and Elaine.
Hope it all goes well for you.
Keep us posted.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
You have now wetted our appetites so let us know when you move on. Any questions , bring them on⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑⯑
8 years ago
Sounds like a good plan ... what Moho are you thinking of or have none caught your eye yet ... there are so many different layouts and sizes that I kept getting side tracked when I was looking to replace the one I had ... but looking at them all was quite good fun ... keep us posted on your progress and any questions, there is lots of knowledge and experience among the CM members :o

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
Thanks for the welcome, will keep you informed as we progress, in answer to a couple of the questions,
quite fancy an A class prob Burstner/Rapido/Dethleff or similar, single axle fixed bed and definitely not new!!
but that could all change!!! planning to stay in the UK first year while we get our head round everything and things settle down at home.
8 years ago
Sounds like a plan. We have an A class Rapido 924F bought second hand and never regretted it. Has a drop down bed and at 5.99m can get anywhere. Look forward to hearing about your travels and selection⯑
8 years ago
quite fancy an A class

You mean a library bus! well thats what my kids call all A class motorhomes when they see them. :o

I agree with Barry (MR2) my motorhome is 6m long, never been anywhere I couldnt park it or drive it.

Mind you next time I will buy a slightly longer one. Prob 7m for more storage space.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
We have a 7m A class , the library type one ⯑, never had a problem parking or getting access yet. The European super markets do seem easier to park in than the U.K. ones though. You mention a preference for a fixed bed, we have had the French bed and island bed layout, personally we much prefer the island bed as easier to get in and out of in the early ours. One of the best add on's we have fitted is the gas-low system, but feel you have to work out the use you will have from it and the initial expense. We had it fitted to our first MH and transferred over to new one, so it is something that you can take with you.

8 years ago
Rotella (Chris)
Thanks for that, Must admit previously we had a transverse fixed bed that was very high and non adjustable which to be honest was a complete pain plus the access was very narrow in the center of the van as the shower encroached on one side and the loo on the on the other!! Have since had a couple of good size caravans with island beds and they where so much better, Have been reading up on the gas systems and the gas low/gas it seems the way to go,until we get everything in place and a motoho here its just a case of reading up on everything as the technology is racing ahead regarding the solar stuff etc that I haven't got a clue with as yet, thanks for your comments regards Dave
8 years ago
Our first MH had a 100 watt solar panel and we ran two liesure batteries, in the summer months in France we never hooked up to mains for over two weeks traveling, but that's with LED and banning my wife from hair curling/heating gadgets. Our new MH has a 150 solar panel but can't comment on that as only just purchased it. The winter months will be a good test. If I could give any advice it would be to check the MIRO (mass in running order) of any new purchase as this will effect the amount of personal belongings, accesories and wine that you can carry, some MH's can be very restrictive.
8 years ago
We have had a 130w solar panel connected through a solar controller to 2x leisure batteries for 8 years on 2 different motorhomes. In addition a Battery Master provides a trickle feed to the vehicle battery. The effect is to ensure all batteries are fully charged at all times even in winter without charging on hook up. We travel abroad for over 3 months in the year using Aires and occasionally on campsites without hookup using our 2k inverter for power to toaster, kettle, satellite tv, laptop and iPad/phones chargers. So when you get to consider extras give it a look! Also use LEDs for all lights.
8 years ago
Thanks for the info ,it makes it alot easier to understand when someone just explains how their set up works opposed to just seeing it as a list of components:D
Regarding the MIRO I can see where some people come unstuck as some models dont leave a lot to play with!! As I`m of a certain vintage my licence has C1 without the restrictions so if I read it right I should be able to safely exceed the lower weight restrictions if the vehicle is plated for such
8 years ago
I agree about the initial cost of the gaslow and gasit refillable gas systems, I decided that the cost and the fact it is a very grey area as to if it is actually legal to fill up with autogas at the pumps anyway, that for me it probably wasn't worth it.
As I have banged on about before, on previous threads, we have never needed a solar panel and I was disappointed when I did tests on the outputs of them, so again I didn't bother.

However people who have the systems swear by them and we are not full timers by any means.
The longest away we have done in one go is 4 weeks but we can do 3 nights/4 days without starting the engine and regularly do, in fact my EHU lead stays hung over my gate when we are away for weekends. I don't even take it.
We are a family of 4 and the van is totally standard electrically except the tv.

My advice would be to not necessarily buy and fit every extra from the off but to use the new motorhome and add things as and when, not just add them for the sake of having them but because you decide you need it.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
As far as I know and have read and informed by the gasit company it is perfectly ok to fill with LPG at service stations as long as you have an external fill point. Some folk actually refil standard bottles that are not designed to be used in this way using valves bought online. The service stations can't see what you are doing if you lift the locker door and start connecting out of sight. Another reason that we decided to invest in the gas it system was convenience, you don't have to change bottles and if traveling extended in Europe you might find it difficult if not impossible to find gas bottles compatible with your uk fittings, thus having to carry two types of bottle, uk and European. But I agree it is a large initial outlay that will take several years to claw back but the convenience as mentioned outways that for us.

8 years ago
Just a suggestion milleuks but if you find the motorhome that you like through a dealer don't be afraid to ask for a GasIt system to be fitted as part of your negotiations to purchase. It's what we did and the dealer was 'happy' to do it.

Their cost price for the components is not massive, they hopefully have a workshop and staff so it costs them very little if it clinches a deal. You however, save a lot :D

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
The old style bottles are exactly the problem. They are illegal now and the garages cant tell what bottles/tank you have.
I almost bought a gas it system but wanted an in locker filler, so i could move it easily into another motorhome.

I asked in 3 garages and all said 'if it isnt for propulsion we wont let you fill up'
Because they dont know how safe the system is.
So really you are relying on the kid in the kiosk not caring enough to bother!
And as we know there is a blanket ban in italy for using autogas.
Although others have without issue have filled up in italy but it is illegal. So im told.
So the doubt put me off.

However I do take the point of it being cheaper for the gas and easier in europe.

Mind you I only use 4 bottles of gas a year, so the two I have in the van will easily last me 6 weeks away without issue.

I worked out it would take about 3 years to earn back the costs of having the system and fitting it myself. without a professional fitting cost.

But again if you have the systems, you love it, so its horses for courses, what you dont have, you dont miss.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
I looked into using Gasit or Gaslow but decided as we are never away for more than 5 weeks at a time we are unlikely to run out. We have 2 x 13kg bottles and accept that it would be cheaper per kg but need to recover outlay over a reasonable period. I carry a continental gas hose with fitting for French And Spanish bottles for back up.
8 years ago
I looked into using Gasit or Gaslow but decided as we are never away for more than 5 weeks at a time we are unlikely to run out. We have 2 x 13kg bottles and accept that it would be cheaper per kg but need to recover outlay over a reasonable period. I carry a continental gas hose with fitting for French And Spanish bottles for back up.

I have 2x 7kg bottles and 1 of the bottles lasts me over 3 weeks.
So i came to the same conclusion.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
As previous many thanks for your inputs, I`m collecting all your thoughts:D
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