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  Sunday, 23 October 2016
  10 Replies
  12.2K Visits
Hi all...Trish and Andy here.... We've just bought ourselves a Swift Kontiki 660... had out first weekend away in it.... learned the importance of getting it level...... along with the gut wrenching feat of emptying an overfull cassette......not our doings BTW.... ⯑⯑⯑ ..... as the saying goes... "things can only get better" . Looking forward to lots of trips away, all over UK and Europe.
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8 years ago
Hi Trish and Andy, congratulations on your new purchase and your initial success.....

An overfull cassette is something that only happens once if at all so hopefully you've got that one out of the way.

I can assure you that every trip adds another bit to your learning curve! :D

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
As the boss says, you learn every time. :p

Welcome Trish and Andy.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
I came home courtesy of Green Flag mayday after my first trip ... and all in all think that is preferable to emptying an over full cassette :D ... It can only get better as the song goes ... Where are you off to next?

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
hi all just bought fiat ducato kontiki love it 29 yrs old not in bad nick for her age few bits to do on her for habitation cert anyone know where windows can be purchased and for such an aged gal and fly screen blinds etc
8 years ago
Hi All, thanks for replies, I'm sure we have a lot of learning ahead of us.

I agree Katmax... Green Flag home is the better of those 2 options. Hope you are up and running again now and it wasn't anything too expensive.

Just work getting in the way now.... roll on Friday :)
8 years ago
Just work getting in the way now.... roll on Friday :)

Could be worse, you could be like me, have this week off but the family decided we were not going away.
Oh and her indoors just said "might aswell cash the road tax in" as you wont be using the camper until easter!
She can still walk, just! ;)

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
wee went to Brean in Somerset two weeks ago, it was the first time that we had used our motorhome, we are going to try a pub stopover this weekend, we will let everyone know how it goes
8 years ago
Hi Trish and Andy.

Congratulations on your purchase. As a tip, it may be worth purchasing a second cassette, especially if you intend to do any wild camping.

Maybe a joint Christmas present perhaps! ;)


8 years ago
But if you have a second cassette, you still need to store it, which I dont really have.
I only use my loo at night, use public ones during the day when I can.
This can give us a day extra before emptying the cassette.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
On our first trip away a few years ago we broke down four times on the way to Cornwall.Wife wanted to return after first two breakdowns but we persevered.Kept on losing power afyer a bang from engine compartment.1st AA man got us going and said it would be ok,fuel solenoid sticking as did the 2nd and 3rd AA man.After breaking down for the 4th time an elderly AA man told me without looking the fuel filter was blocked. Bingo! He didn't have a filter so he joined the pipes together and we never had another problem.
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