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  Monday, 11 July 2016
  13 Replies
  3.5K Visits
Not sure how to start really ... My partner and I had been motorcyclists/campers and then (as the bones got weary) we bought a caravan, my partner did not drive cars so i was the designated driver :D
Unfortunately he was taken by cancer in November last year and I was going to give up touring ...
I then saw a Auto-sleeper Duetto for sale ... he is old and a bit rusty around the edges (like me) and I thought why not ... my partners dog had also died so it was just me and my Max, a Labrador that had not had a good start in his life but is getting better
So I bought him he was very cheap due to needing "A bit of welding" and a few other bits and pieces ... but he will soon be fully fit ... so if you see a camper with a few bumble bees and maybe a few other stickers to cover the rough spots (and the duetto will have some as well) ... give us a wave :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

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8 years ago
Hello! :D

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Hello Katmax

Mrs Spinner and I often have a discussion, especially when on the road, 'would we continue solo when one of us has departed this earth. The answer is yes, although we would probably change the van. There seems to be more and more solo motorhomers out there, probably due to an ageing demographic and the fact that many of the baby boomer generation, wants to and has the opportunity, to get the most out of life.

Like motorhoming, life is about the journey not the destination

We will keep and eye out for you and Max. Have you got your CM windscreen sticker on?

Best Wishes

Mr & Mrs Spinner :)


8 years ago
Yes Mr & Mrs Spinner I have printed off and found an old unused licence holder ... so it will be put in asap

Thank you and Tom1 for the welcome :)

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
Hi Katmax, just to say hello and I think you are spot on getting the camper, too many people simply give up when faced with what you have gone through ( understandable I guess and I really sympathise ), but life is for living, to get out on freedoms road and meet people make new friends etc, well done ;)
8 years ago
Hi and welcome to a great informative site and enjoy
8 years ago
Welcome to the club. Will look forward to seeing some pic's I was also a biker a little while back, funny enough I was thinking of getting one again but life is too short to enjoy both. I'm sure you will enjoy being back on the road again.
8 years ago
Hello and welcome!
you absolutely did the right thing, your dear departed will be smiling and proud.
I have done a fair bit of solo traveling in the past, you will love it !
Happy travels!

« Vive La France, le paradis du camping-car! »

8 years ago
Hi Katmax
My husband and I have just bought our first motorhome after taking in a nervous underweight collie pup. Monty absolutely loves life in the van, he is now his proper weight and thriving. I shall be posting non campsite locations where we have parked close to a park or woods as he unfortunately still needs to pop out in the night. I hope you and Max will have many happy adventures together
8 years ago
My Max deciding he don't need to use the door of the caravan ... :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
Hi Katmax, welcome to the club, going solo can be a bit daunting at first but you will soon adapt to your new circumstance. But the important thing is you are not giving up because of it.......there are so many more adventures waiting for you, so go for it!! I am a biker too and surprisingly I still find time to ride my bikes....down to 9 now so I have a bit more space in my workshop....ahem at the moment!! We use the motorhome as often as possible at weekends, puentes and holidays. With your companion you are never really dogs are great conversation starters as you no doubt know.
regards Phil & Jackie
8 years ago
Oh he's gorgeous! I have had 2 labradors and still miss them. Nice to know you have have great security at all times.
8 years ago
Oh Monty1 ... that did make me laugh :D ... It would be death by slobber and licky kisses I am afraid ... but he does sound the part when he barks, being a big Labrador he has a very deep woof ... but the game would be up if anyone got in, as he would just want to play :)
Mind you if anyone tried to hurt him they would find it is the owner they need to watch out for :D

Thanks Phil and Jackie ... 9 bikes ... I am down to the unfinished projects now mine and my partners ... he liked the big Japanese bikes but I am more for the old British ones ... we accumulated a few to do in our retirement, I will have to bite the bullet and get them sorted one day ... trouble is, he was my Spider removing Knight and now they know he has gone they just come out when ever I try and get into the workshop or garage ... So if you know any humane spider repellents please let me know ;)

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

8 years ago
Hi Katmax, well if we see you we will certain say hi and invite you in for a drink or two. We have two little dachshunds who would love to say hi to your dude, too. Enjoy your travels.
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