Tuesday, 17 May 2016
  8 Replies
  1.6K Visits

For anybody interested

Our recent trip to Spain and Portugal from Calais in our 2.8 Fiat

Total number of nights 38
Cheapest night free
Dearest night 20 euros
Average price per night 4.5 Euros
Average miles per gallon 22.4
Fuel cost per mile .24 Euro
Tolls 89 Euros
Total mileage 4068 miles
Total fuel cost 978 Euros

Total cost of fuel tolls and overnight stops 1239 Euros
Average cost per day 33 Euros

Spinner :lol:


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8 years ago
I have probably left that a bit late. My eldest is 9 soon.
I dont think I would get away with a year out of school

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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