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  Sunday, 24 April 2016
  2 Replies
  4.6K Visits
We are about to take delivery of our new Motorhome and need to get insurance cover. Who are the best providers, inclusive or separate breakdown cover, any must haves or don't bother withs. Would be very interested to hear people's suggestions on how to get good cover at the right price.TIA from two total novices.
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8 years ago

My insurance is with Comfort insurance, not the cheapest but good cover and includes up to 9 months European cover per year and European breakdown.
I used to use Motor Home direct brokers and the insurance seemed good but I had never heard of the company providing the policy, so after 3 years I have changed to comfort who use Aviva.

Also watch the AA, I had breakdown cover with them on a motorhome for about 10 years, then when I broke down they said that we were not covered because the Motorhome is over the maximum length and height limts!
But they knew this on the phone, so they had been taking money off me year on year knowing they had no intention of covering me if I needed them.

Also my dad's motorhome is 7.5 meters long, he had RAC cover for years too, then after accepting payment for another year they told him they would not cover the vehicle due to its length.
Apparently they cover up to something like 8 meters on van less than 10 years old but once the van is over 10 years old the limit reduces to 7 meters.
But they would cover it if he joined the caravan and camping club, I have now assumed the caravan club with the help of RAC have resorted to trying to blackmail people to become members.
So personally I will never join either.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

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