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  Sunday, 09 February 2014
  4 Replies
  1.5K Visits
Hi everyone just joined the site. Looking forward to some good advice, suggestions, travel tip and a few good jokes.

I have been traveling the world since I was sixteen, some 40 plus years ago. By sea for the first bit then having meet my wife on foot, on motorbikes, camper vans and now motorhomes.

We have now replaced our motorhome with a larger version in preparation for a full time trip starting toward the end of 15. So any help, advice, tips and suggestions gratefully accepted.

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:welcome4: indeed.
You will find the Atlantic and indeed the Mediterranean coast a little touristic these days. France has a vast amount of dull drab and sleepy inland towns and villages: but in terms of peace and tranquility and sheer old fashioned charm they score very highly on my clap-o-meter. It also has two breathtaking drives through the Gorges of the Tarn and Verdon that all travellers should do once.
The inland towns also seem to host regular markets (contact the French Tourist information offices for details of these). It is also useful to know about these if you do not want to get snarled up in the midst of them on your route to somewhere else.
One last tip when you look at the grouping of the Aires, or Stelplaz if you venture to Germany, they seem to exist where there is something worth seeing or visiting, so it makes route planning nice and easy.

Has freedom to travel

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