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  Friday, 13 September 2013
  3 Replies
  2.3K Visits
Hi we are an unusual family with a lot of health issues and disabilities. We have just bought a Motor home in the hope of making the most of every opportunity with our youngest child being terminally ill.
We hope to take posession of a large adapted ex Library van before next weekend. That gives us a week to get ready to take it away on our first weekend adventure,
EEK excited and terrified in equal measure.

We are looking at somewhere Gloucester way. For our first weekend. We need electric hookup as our daughter needs electricity for her medical equipment.
There will be myself my husband and son and Daughter,
My husband is quite nervous of driving something so is 29ft so hopefully no narrow lanes.

Any help and advice very welcome.
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8 years ago
Welcome and good luck with your adventure..
Here is my little bit of input...
1. Be aware that some clubs and sites, NOT ALL, dont like converted vehicles like buses etc. The Caravan Club is one that comes to mind straight away.. So you may need to check in advance that you can gain access to sites.
2. If you need to rely on Electricity then it may be wise to invest in a generator. That way if you get stuck with no mains supply you can still manage.
3. As an alternate to campsites many clubs have rallies at weekends and week long meetings in the summer. Some may be able to give electric but again generator as a backup.

Enjoy your adventure..
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