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  Thursday, 05 September 2013
  4 Replies
  2.4K Visits
Hi all, Anne & I have just joined as we're planning a 6 months UK/Europe trip. We live in Tasmania, Australia and are looking forward to something of an adventure. As you would expect we have a load of things to consider and will welcome the advice of you all out there.
Originally from Croydon, South London, we arrived here in Australia in 2004 via various parts of the England, 18 years in Edinburgh, then Korea and Singapore. So now really looking forward to getting back to Europe for a while. :welcome2:
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8 years ago

We travelled in Poland and Lithuania this year. If you get a motorhome over 3.5 tonnes you will have to pay tolls on some of the roads in Poland. You can read all about it here

Via Toll

The tolls are not expensive, so not a reason to compromise on the van you might want. As with all these tolls there are a few 'wrinkles' - let me know if you'd like more info.

We found it easy to stop overnight at garages which cater for overnighting for lorries - often with a restaurant/cafe/transport cafe on site. We found guarded carparks at the big cities. Prices are all very reasonable.

Lithuania was fine too - no tolls there - yet! We found opportunities to wilcamp on laybys etc. Can't remember all the places we stopped, so it can't have been difficult!

This is a good blog for Europe

Europe by Camper

It is worth checking the transport department websites of all the countries you visit, as many of them now require tolls or vignettes for over 3.5 tonne vehicles - especially for motorways. The scheme for Austria, should you venture there, is notoriously expensive
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