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  Wednesday, 13 February 2013
  2 Replies
  2.1K Visits
Hi All, My name is Ken. Ive just joined your club. I am new to motorhome ownership and I am looking for advice.
I am having a Mercedes van converted and will take delivery soon.The base van is currently registered and insured by my business. I have been looking to insure the van in my own name and have used the company shown on this website. One of the questions asks If DVLA has been notified that the vehicle is now a motorhome? Is this something I should have done? Are there any other legal requirments I should be aware of.
Thanks for your help in advance, Im sure I will be asking for a lot more in the near future

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8 years ago
Hi Kenford and welcome to the forum :welcome1:

'Motorhome' is a specific registration category, and they are classed as either 'Private Light Goods' or 'Private Heavy Goods'. there are specific requirements which must be met to register a vehicle as a motorhome, the main ones being (I believe) that there must be a bed and a table for eating at (which can be free-standing). Your van which has become a motorhome would need to be inspected by VOSA to check if it complies with the requirements for a motorhome. if it does you will be issued with a new V5.

This is based purely on what I have read elsewhere, not on any personal experience.

Good luck with it. Do ask the questions - I'm sure you can get teh answers on here. :thumbs: :thumbs:
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