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  Monday, 02 July 2012
  2 Replies
  2.2K Visits
Hi all, and thanks for letting me into the club.
I live down in Plymouth and have been camping and enjoying campers from way-back,(another lifetime ) both building and enjoying them on our travels around the continent. Have owned and enjoyed Hymer, Bursner, Euromobile and few others
|A family member pointed me in your direction (aye aye Pete).
Presently I have a classic Ford Travlehome 2.5 di Diesel (very low emissions) which has been having a major facelift of mod-cons and all mechanics a thorough service and refit where necessary over the last year (when our lovely English weather allows)
Many will say is it worth the effort? Well of course it is, Transit bullet proof engine that you can easily access and work on when services are due etc, parts still readily available in most places, but more importantly so long as you are mechanically inclined, you can actually use spanners on it when required, so not having to pay a fortune to plug it in to an analyzer
Built on a SWB 120 Ford chassis so great turning lock, up-rated springs and now fitted with Airide suspension. Also fitted 80w solar panel, 1000w inverter, twin 115amp dedicated batteries, Solar can also charge van and aux batteries when static. Status omni TV aerial for the telly times, Have a 2tb hard drive full of films music etc which works from 12v supply off solar regulator and plugs into TV so sorted for entertainment when the sun has got its Mac on!
As you can see self-sufficient is the Idea and it works fine…… the moment,
Next outing the Classic Camper Club National rally Abingdon 20-22 July.
France-Spain August /September hope to meet up sometime on the road or on the air-waves (jollyrodger1944_GM48)
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
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8 years ago
Hi Chris sorry to say the sun down this way has got it`s mack ,overcoat and a whole load of sweaters on ! but thanks for the WARM thoughts anyway ttfn Mike
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