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  Saturday, 09 June 2012
  2 Replies
  1.7K Visits
just a quick hi from alan and pam, been members for a little while, been a bit busy of late so not enough camper use but off to france early july in our little blue fiat sussex auto-sleeper,hope to meet some of you when we get back to roaming.
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Welcome to the forum group,

Have a great time in France, best advice I can give you is don't rush to visit as many places as possible in the time you are there. France is a tranquil rural place and if you linger you will absorb some of that relaxed atmosphere that we think is the uniqueness of Rural France. The tourist information offices are very helpful and will more than likely speak English and it is worth asking if they have free WiFi, most do. You can also try the McDonalds car park so no excuse for not keeping us informed of your progress. Finally keep an eye on the road signs as well as your Sat Nav as they are building new roads and Byepasses all the time. That Sat Nav is a machine and loves to take you on roads with no white line up the middle and cobbled streets full of puzzled looking shoppers.

Has freedom to travel

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