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  Thursday, 07 June 2012
  62 Replies
  6.2K Visits
To encourage new members, or those who have not yet posted on the forums, to take their first step in taking part in the Club Motorhome commnunity I thought I would ask the question - who are you?

Whether you have posted before or not let us know by posting a reply in this topic, or even start your own - we'd all love to hear from you. If you haven't posted on a forum before the process is pretty straight-forward although we have a basic how-to guide here - if it helps. There is a short period of time to edit once you have posted your comment and even if you do think you've made a right hash of it just let Chris (TravelsRus) or me know and we'll delete it so that you can go again :).

We have getting on for 900 members and many are 'Free Forum Members' so we would love to hear from you. A bit about you, what motorhome you have (or would like), your interests, hobbies, how you found this site, what made you want to join, dare I even suggest it.... what you don't like about the website - you get the picture ;)

I hope that visitors and members alike find the forums to be friendly and welcoming - that's certainly how I would like to see them develop and we have some great people on here who I'm sure will respond to your own input - I personally guarantee that you won't go unanswered, so go on - say Hi! Or just say Hi back to those that have already done so.

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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8 years ago
Hello all

I have finally finished my self build demountable camper which mounts on my Ford Ranger. Just returned from Loch Lomand and thence the Lake district and everything tickity boo. Next tour will probably be over to Spain. We enjoy wild camping sites and have toured across Europe in a self build Transit camper but now with the 4x4 we can hit the beaches as well without worrying about being towed out.

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