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  Saturday, 23 July 2016
  7 Replies
  5.4K Visits
Hi, new to all this so my wife and I are grateful for any help. Might be a silly question but just to be sure. When filling our water tank when it is full will it just enter an overflow and drain onto the the floor? I've never filled it to such point (only used twice) still be very cautious. Many thanks
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8 years ago
Hi, new to all this so my wife and I are grateful for any help. Might be a silly question but just to be sure. When filling our water tank when it is full will it just enter an overflow and drain onto the the floor? I've never filled it to such point (only used twice) still be very cautious. Many thanks
8 years ago
Hope you noticed my guide for newbies is now available to read in Hopefully it will give you some ideas and answer some questions.

Regards. Pete
8 years ago
I just leave the hose in mine until it backs up and comes out the filler neck.
I also use aqua tabs to purify the water if I haven't used it for a while or if I am unsure of the water source used.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

8 years ago
Hi Danny.
I recently helped a friend who needed some help as a newby motorhomer. Loads of hints and tips put together in a few emails. If it would help you can have copies to help you on your way. Regards. Pete :)
8 years ago
When our tank is full the water just flows back out of the filling point. So if you don't keep an eye on it you'll get wet feet lol. I'm sure that most tanks will be the same.
8 years ago
Hi, Dannyy275

There are some variations but when full the water will go out of an overflow onto the ground or just backup and come out of the fill point.

If you have a tank that overflows straight to the ground you may find you lose a bit when driving if you start off completely full :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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