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  Friday, 15 July 2016
  10 Replies
  5.2K Visits
Head North to Scotland for a few days/weeks, first stop pub stopover or £5 campsite ⯑
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8 years ago
Sounds very flexible.... Have a great trip! :)

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

8 years ago
was up in Scotland for just over a week in June for my wee cousin's wedding, spent the week in a very pleasant [albeit expensive] campsite in Stepps
felt it safer better on this occasion to pre-book so we could ensure meeting up with family and keep to timings, however, next time [in August] we will have a lot more flexibility

so we'll be heading along the M40 and onto the M6 ideally stopping over somewhere an hour or so south of Glasgow on the first night - does anyone know of any good stopovers, pub or otherwise in that region?

what about in or around Glasgow? any one know any stopovers there as we want to spend a couple of nights in the region to visit family?

i think we'll stop for a night alongside Loch Lomond next: anyone who hasn't been up there before there are 2 or 3 lay-bys alongside the Loch allowing stopovers, they are fabulous; get the weather right and they can end up being breathtaking; you really don't want to miss out
best found by going up to Tarbet and calling in at the Loch Lomond Ferry Stop, then head south back towards Dumbartton: about the third lay-by down is the first: naturally on the left as these are alongside the Loch
just to show you how friendly they are about allowing you to stop: as we had pulled in to one of these great lay-bys a Ranger doing clean-up actually handed us a black bag and asked if this would be stop alongside Loch Lomond it is well worth it

next we will be heading westwards with some stunning views around Loch Long and Loch Fyne
we fasten doing a few sop-overs in Kilmartin & Kilmichael Glen anyone know any good stop-overs?
[incidentally we have camped overnight in the car park opposite the Kilmartin Hotel: a lovely wee Kirk and stunning views down Kilmichael Glen towards Dunadd]
anyone know of any other stop-overs around the area?

drive alongside the Crinan Canal if you get the chance - had a free stopover alongside the car-park in Crinan
we've also had a free stopover in a car-park in Tarbert, Loch Fyne along side the lovely wee port that the Loch fyne fishermen use
another lovely place for stopping over for free is found on heading south on the back road to Cambletown: you can park on the rocky beach where stunning views of Arran are found - be careful though as Arran can disappear when the Scotch Mist descends: this like alongside Loch Lomond is another beautiful free stop

so if anyone knows of any further free or low cost stops around Glasgow or in western parts of Argyll do let us know

Scotland is such great fun so enjoy your stay
all the very best
8 years ago
Worth a visit to the Eagle Barge Inn at Spean Bridge out of Fort Wiiliam. I don't know if you can overnight in the car park there but it looked likely and in any case the boat is worth a visit.
8 years ago
Look what I found in Scotland !!

Very strong beer indeed Tactical⯑ ⯑Nuclear Penguin by Brew Dog at 32%
8 years ago
I won't be the first to try it,....over to you...
8 years ago
There are some excellent short videos of wild camping sites in Argyle on Angus Campbell's YouTube page
8 years ago
Hi Old Soldier

It will not be my new pub drink :D !!
But it was interesting to try I can not see myself drinking it again !
8 years ago
Hi Paulby

Thanks for the link will have a look :)
8 years ago
Thanks Paul. Good informative videos, perhaps Neilmac will add them to the Stopover section for all to see in due course. :)
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