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  Monday, 20 June 2016
  7 Replies
  4.5K Visits
Another total beginner question.
How long of an electric hook up cable is accepted as the norm?
Since weight is always a consideration I am trying to save every kilo where possible, plus of course I don't want to pay for more cable than I am ever likely to need.
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8 years ago
We carry ,the normal adaptor's ,never had a problem with not being able to connect when abroad .Leads we have a 15 meter ,25 meter ,also a short 3 meter ,The short one was for connecting when on drive way as 15 meter was just short ,but this has proved valuable on site when the 15 meter is just that bit short.
Also lucky to have an electrical contractor in my Close who for a bottle of wine Pact test the leads once a year.

Sounds a good deal you have Pat Tessing leads for a bottle of wine.
8 years ago
To be honest you are never sure how close or far you will be from an EHU unless you know the site. Most campsites have them nearby to individual pitches but some CL or CS sites may have them only in one area of a field, that's if they have them at all. I carry a 25mtr, a 35mtr and a 25mtr reversed polarity cable which allow me to park up a fair distance from the power socket. I also have a couple of portable solar panels and a couple of habitation batteries so power is not as essential as it might have been. :)
8 years ago
Like others I have a standard 25m cable but acquired another from a tent trailer i was selling in case I'm a distance from EHU on an aire eg Honfleur. Also have a 3pin Uk adapter , 2x 2pin adapters including reverse polarity and finally a 3 way splitter for sharing EHU. The latter I've used a few times in France with French, German and Dutch motorhomers.
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