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  Friday, 23 May 2014
  8 Replies
  5.5K Visits
Hi all, I have been racking my brain trying to think of a hobby / pastime for those times in the 'van' when we have walked, read and played enough cards. Can anyone inspire me with their ways of passing time. I see one of the members is interested in naturism but I just wouldn't dare to ideas of most sorts would be of interest.
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8 years ago
Well my winter hobby is researching the lives of Scottish female convicts transported to Van Diemens Land (now Tasmania) in the first half of the 1800's. Why female and not male? I wasn't asked to do males :unsure: My research goes here
The starting point is to photo the original trial papers in Edinburgh. I store the images on an iPad and on a miserable day in the van I transcribe the documents and e mail them to Hobart. Keeps my brain active. :thumbs:
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