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  Tuesday, 22 February 2022
  1 Replies
  4.5K Visits
Subscription Discounts

Just a head's-up really but from the end of March 2022 we'll be dropping our discounted subscriptions for 2 & 3 years.

Currently our annual subscription is £20 per year (ABSOLUTELY NO PLANS TO CHANGE THIS FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE) but if someone registers for 2 or 3 years at a time they get discounts bringing the £20 down to £17.50 and £15 respectively. Meaning it's £35 for a 2 year subscription or £45 for 3 years.

We're just streamlining our subscription process so that it will become a straight-forward £20 a year. This is still as a one-off payment, with manual renewal each year by the member. Or by recurring subscription which is popular because the member doesn't have to do anything to renew (they can of course cancel this at any time to avoid future renewals).

There is still time to take advantage of the discounts until the 31st March 2022.

Existing members can also take advantage of this by just renewing at any time before the deadline - the new 2 or 3 year period is added to whatever is left on their existing subscription so nothing is lost.

Our subscriptions can be seen HERE and the discount is automatically applied during the joining or renewal process when selecting 2 or 3 years..


Save a little money while you still can!

Other Discounts

Regular readers will already know that lots of insurance companies will give a premium discount for Club Motorhome membership, so next time you are due for renewal ask them for the club discount. If they want proof of membership you can ask me at for your membership number - these are only available to current Full Members on request.

And, whilst talking of discounts we currently have 10% off - KUMA CONNECT LiTE – SIM Unlocked LiTE 4G Router with Indoor PLAY Antenna. Insert any SIM card from any provider and share the data at 150Mbps with up to 32 devices.


We currently use one of these in our own motorhome and have found it to be really good and great value, especially with the discount - We recently wrote a review Kuma Connect 4G Internet Router and Antenna


We recently included some pretty cool software for buying and selling motorhome related items, from accessories to motorhomes themselves. We call it Marketplace

Simple, easy to use interface


It doesn't seem to have many takers yet.... This is a FREE facility whether someone is a member or not. The only requirement is that the seller/buyer has to register on CM and we have a Non-Member option which is FREE for those that don't want to actually join as a Full Member.

We require registration because without it we would have no record of who is advertising and we would be inundated with 'spam' adverts. In case of any concerns we DO NOT share any email addresses etc with third parties or anyone else come to that. Subject to complying with law enforcement etc.

Oh, it's easy to find on the site too!

marketplace access.png

So come on! This is an absolutely FREE service - please make use of it.


As a regular part of the site maintenance/cleanup I'm culling old expired members and those that haven't logged in for yonks. So if you haven't been there for a while please do come and LOGIN to confirm your current interest in being part of Club Motorhome.

If your membership has expired you can take the opportunity to renew (and still get the subscription discounts explained above). If you've forgotten your login details there are options to reset your password or recover your username. All else fails - contact me!

If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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Just a few days left to take advantage of these discounts!


If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!

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