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  Wednesday, 10 October 2018
  3 Replies
  5.4K Visits
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for sending a reminder that I'm a member of the Club.
I purchased a 1990 Eriba 580 on Peugeot Talbot Express couple of months ago and have been so caught up in it every thing else has be past bye. Coming to the end of the difficult part now. I've arranged to travel to Stratford on Avon to have Power Steering fitted. I would like to know if any members have done same and what they think of it. Look forward to meeting you all one day.

Best wishes

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6 years ago
Welcome to group matey
6 years ago
Hi Alan.
I haven't done the same myself but I know my dad has fitted power steering and a a power clutch to a Talbot of a similar age.
The owners were very pleased with the result.

Rolling on and enjoying life on the road

6 years ago
I have heard good reports of Chris Hart's service so I think you will be very pleased once the job is done. I contacted Chris some time ago with a view to getting my Fiat/Fendt 560HK converted but as it is a LHD the gearchange is parallel to the steering column and there is not enough room to do the conversion.

I subsequently sourced a new power steering rack from Pamplona and a NOS pump on Ebay for 70 quid so I had the conversion done at my local Renault garage, the only problem was the steel pipes for the steering rack are no longer available but they got round this by making up a set of rubber hydraulic hoses, which is better because in the event of a failure a new hose can be made up at any hose specialist, the pump drive adaptor was no problem because it was ex stock as the Sofim engine is also used in the old Trafic and Master vans. These vans may be old but not obsolete yet!!!
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