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  Tuesday, 24 July 2018
  11 Replies
  5.1K Visits
Hello All!,

My Missus and I have just got our first Camper van .... in our mid 50's! We're mad for it! It's a 1984 Freight Rover Sherpa "Pop Top", in really nice nick, and we're looking forward to getting away every chance we get in the UK .. and maybe even further afield.

Looking forward to meeting peeps from here at various sites & stopovers whilst on our travels. We're travelling around North West Wales between the 17th and 21st of August - Abersoch, Bangor, Porthmadog etc. so if you see us either at the roadside or on a site, be sure to stop by and say hello and have a brew ... or a glass of wine :)

Dave, Kate, and Chewie (The Dog)
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6 years ago
Accepted Answer
Thanks everyone. There are indeed pictures of Chewie (Chewbacca) .... he'll be 2 in October, and is a Labradoodle with Hip Dysplasia, though that doesn't stop him as he has a massive appetite for life. Doesn't know his own name ;) . ... but two blasts on a whistle and he's in front of you waiting for a treat :) . Our beautiful daft boy :)

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6 years ago
Hi Dave Kate & Chewie,

Welcome to CM. Hope you enjoy your travels in your camper, if you need any help or advice have a look at the forums or post and someone on here will give you some great advice.

hopefully see you around

6 years ago
Thanks parpot53 :)
6 years ago
Hi Dave, Kate, and Chewie ... from Kathy and Max dog ... hope you enjoy your travels ... nice to see a classic camper on here ... looks the business

Max asks if there are any pictures of Chewie :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

Hi Dave, Kate and Chewie, your camper looks fabulous, we hope you have lots of adventures in her. Hopefully our paths will cross somewhere.
Welcome to CM
Pete, Sue and the dogs....
6 years ago
Accepted Answer
Thanks everyone. There are indeed pictures of Chewie (Chewbacca) .... he'll be 2 in October, and is a Labradoodle with Hip Dysplasia, though that doesn't stop him as he has a massive appetite for life. Doesn't know his own name ;) . ... but two blasts on a whistle and he's in front of you waiting for a treat :) . Our beautiful daft boy :)

20645140_497039693978280_7770518950065517567_o.jpg 18237921_448130958869154_8239727856521366834_o.jpg 20616757_497039753978274_8864572771423608351_o.jpg 20626456_497039690644947_5445485683328041989_o.jpg
6 years ago
And here he is :
6 years ago
He a big lad ain't he my pup struggled with his name slowly getting there whistle works for him two wasn't sure how many blows do one to come 2 for heal 3for sit seams to work until gets mind of his own
6 years ago
He is a handsome fella ... Max also has hip dysplasia ... did not find out until he ripped a muscle and they X-rayed him ... he is now on meds, physio and hydro ... at the moment he is doing OK ... he doesn't like the heat and it is making him a bit cranky ... but hell it makes me like that too :D
Maybe we will see you around the UK sometime :D

Kathy and Max dog

“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment to animals.”

6 years ago
He doesn't let the dysplasia get in his way - he loves to run, and his best mates are Lurchers ... who can run all day :) He's so soft and daft and doesn't have an ounce of malice in him - he's always getting duffed up by other dogs, but he bounces right back.

Yeah the heat has been murder for him. He doesn't look like that these days. His head's still pretty wild, but we keep his body very short now, as it's also easier to keep him flippin' clean :)

It would be great to meet you guys out and about. I've got 3 sites booked in North Wales between the 17th and 20th of August, but we don't really know what they're like. Ideally I'd like to find places that have fenced off areas for dogs so they can run around, and also beaches where they're not banned. Hopefully I'll find that info on here.

Right - off to work. Have an awesome day everyone!

Chewie looks gorgeous, our daughter has a ladradoodle named Marley and he is as soft as a brush as well. He loves playing with our two terriers when they get together. Marley is travelling in Italy at the moment with his family.....
Best beaches we have to been to that are totally dog friendly are on the Northumberland coast, we have just had a lovely week up there with our dogs, we stayed at Springhill Farm camp site at Seahouses.
6 years ago
Thanks everyone, and thanks for the recommend Pete. Who knows where it will take us? Probably because it's new to us, I keep finding excuse to go out there and mess with it - Chewie's just happy to lie on his Cool Mat and pretend to guard it :) He'll be a seasoned traveller before the year's out :)

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