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A new Club Motorhome feature for all members.....
These give the opportunity for members to promote their own small business or hobby/leisure interest free of charge to other visitors to the Club Motorhome website.
This is a brand new feature so I'm sure that there will be the odd teething issue for me to fix but I asked member Tom1 to test it and he, quite quickly, produced his 'Page' TK Tiling representing his own business.
I hope the feature becomes popular with members and I'm very happy to provide it - the only conditions are that its not used to promote anything that is in competition with, or detrimental to, Club Motorhome itself, or possibly divisive to its membership so nothing based on religion or politics (or Brexit) please.
So, if you have your own business or passionate interest please feel free to create your own 'Page' to promote awareness to other visitors to this website
I'm sure it goes without saying that this is NOT for motorhome related businesses to use to get free advertising!!
In order to do so just go to your profile and one of the drop-down options is 'Pages' which then gives you the option to create a new Page.
These give the opportunity for members to promote their own small business or hobby/leisure interest free of charge to other visitors to the Club Motorhome website.
This is a brand new feature so I'm sure that there will be the odd teething issue for me to fix but I asked member Tom1 to test it and he, quite quickly, produced his 'Page' TK Tiling representing his own business.
I hope the feature becomes popular with members and I'm very happy to provide it - the only conditions are that its not used to promote anything that is in competition with, or detrimental to, Club Motorhome itself, or possibly divisive to its membership so nothing based on religion or politics (or Brexit) please.
So, if you have your own business or passionate interest please feel free to create your own 'Page' to promote awareness to other visitors to this website

I'm sure it goes without saying that this is NOT for motorhome related businesses to use to get free advertising!!
In order to do so just go to your profile and one of the drop-down options is 'Pages' which then gives you the option to create a new Page.
If it ain't broke..... Don't fix it!
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